Ditch-crawler pays homage to Jane Austin…

Last year when on a road passage between Arundel and Devizes, we passed through Midhurst, a delightful little town situated in the West Sussex National Park.

Investigating later, it was discovered to be not so far from Jane Austen’s childhood home. Bingo: a place both myself and the mate have wanted to visit…

So, a year on.

The Austen family home after the death of the father.

The family was uprooted and moved to Bath by their father after he retired, however in a short time he died leaving all his females at the mercy of his sons. One especially: Edward having been adopted by the Knight’s of Chawton house (relatives by marriage) was extremely rich – as rich as Darcy in Pride & Prejudice…

It was at this house where Jane was able to settle into her writing. She recomposed her earlier works before getting them published.

In the house Jane had her own corner in the front parlour where she could write whilst watching the outside world move around her…

Jane’s writing corner…
From it, she had a street view.

Her writing table is so small, a mere ‘Sherry glass’ affair. It was a good job, apparently, that Jane was a tidy and efficient worker.

I wondered what she would have made of a laptop…

We also took in Chawton House, where Jane and her sister Casandra often visited. Both were active aunts to their brother’s brood, especially after his wife died.

Jane’s favourite place to sit and read when at Chawton. The window overlooks the drive up to the house.

Chawton is on long lease from the Knight family to a charity foundation digging into the history of women writers. Fascinating stuff…

It was quite moving to stand close to her desk and look out of windows she herself had, long ago, developing her ideas as life went on around her…

It put me aboard Whimbrel, sailing along a salting edge, gazing at some all but non existent time rotted stumps of a vessel or wharf, wondering…

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