Thankfully, the time expended upon my next book has petered away to virtually nothing of late. The final edit has taken place and it has been in the publisher’s hands for a little while.
A few days ago I received an communication telling me that they will be in position to send the edited copy to me for my insertion of illustrations and captions. After which it goes back for a final edit and then pagination – laying out into published form.

I have never done the illustrations in this manner. Usually the publisher has a numbering system, i.e., 001 – 080.
As the edited manuscript is a word document, the editor will have to remove and reinsert full byte images as per my instructions. Word documents reduce quality of photographs…
Clearly it is important to ensure that an illustration has a correct corresponding caption number. It is all too easy to make a ‘cockup’ that’s for sure!
In the meantime, we got away for a proper Bank Holiday weekend, but more of that in another post.
There was a spot of fun in that the mate’s hat went overboard. It was rescued safely and rinsed out. It took two days of the weekend to dry!

After the bank holiday weekend, Whimbrel was moved up the creek to a temporary berth for us to do a large job in the fore cabin…

So, I hope to have news soon of the books next stage. My guess is that it’ll fly onto my desk in a couple of weeks when we’re doing the antifouling…
It has happened before!