Ditch-crawler’s Hoo Happiness…

Last year Hoo Marina was bought out by the Port Werberg (Swann Marine) Group and the marina was made out of bounds to visiting yachts. For me this was a blow: the mate and I have been going into the basin most summers for several decades.

I knew the area as a boy too and many happy memories can be found swirling within my mind of being moored off the marina concrete barge wall on the May Flower

Anyway, after corresponding with the marina’s owners I have been told that the status quo remains … visitors are not welcome. I was offered no further information and it must be assumed that this facility is no longer open to cruising yachts … nor will the friendly club be ‘open’ to us either, unless one nips in, in the dinghy from several waiting buoys out in the river along the mud edge (when tide recedes – note these can put you on the mud!). Not a likely scenario…


Hoo Marina – seen from the west in Cockham Reach – looking towards the houseboats ringinging the outer concrete barge wall…

Hoo Marina had a nice feel. It was friendly. You could wander around … get the washing done and good stores could be had from the village too. Regular bus services into Rochester and Chatham were often used by Whimbrel’s crew. Chatham marina is ‘alright’ but is sterile in comparison…

I’m sad. The mate is sad!

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