Long ago, at the beginning of 1994, we decided that Whimbrel needed a new dinghy. After looking around we plumped for a neat looking 9′ 6″ glass fibre simulated clinker moulded dinghy with a lug sail rig. She was built by Alan Staley of Chambers Wharf, Faversham.
See: http://www.alanstaleyboatbuilders.co.uk/
She was launched in the autumn of 1994 and given a brief trial sail in the gathering gloom on a Saturday evening. Her name, thought up by my good ship-mate, is carved onto a name board – Twitch… The little thing is loved by all who have sailed aboard Whimbrel since that date giving huge pleasure. She has enabled me to potter into many inaccessible places too over the years when I have been busy investigating for my books.

Since 1994 the dinghy has been covered over with the original cover made by Wilkinson Sails (then of Conyer) of Faversham. Over the years the cover has been cleaned and treated with a proprietary canvas proofing treatment, and on a couple of occasions, repaired.

Gradually the old cover began to shrink! I thought about getting a section let in at the aft end, but my good ship-mate said, ‘get a new one…’ I didn’t need any further encouragement. Lets face it twenty-five years isn’t bad for a bit of canvas!
I measured up the dinghy and produced a drawing for a sail maker – choosing Wilkinson Sails. P.S. the dinghy, we discovered, is actually 9′ 3″ upon measuring!
So, on ‘passage’ to Deal (lovely town) for a land holiday earlier this autumn we stopped off for a night in Faversham (no hardship) to drop the drawing off and show the sail maker the old cover – useful: for questions arose!
See: https://www.wilkinsonsails.co.uk/
A few weeks ago, we popped over to Kent to collect the finished cover, but I’ve only just got round to fitting it.

I have to say, the new cover fits a treat. I was a little worried: I’d dispensed with a ‘bit of string’ in the fold back along the lower edge of the skirt.
I shall now sit back and see how it gets on over this winter. It doesn’t show signs of having any ‘droop’ – note cover on dinghy next door and its pool of water forward…
Happy Christmas Twitch, and too, to all at Wilkinson Sails…