Last year our summer sailing was particularly torrid in respect to an ability to obtain refill gas cylinders from marinas, or, as it later turned out, from anywhere.

I recounted this in a web article, see:
I followed this up with a little research. It would seem that the problem actually surfaced at least a year beforehand. There are numerous entries on caravan and boating forums about the problem running back to prior to the covid pandemic.
As an aside, I was astonished to read that one person decanted gas from a larger to smaller 4.5/3.9 kg bottle. I am sure it is possible, but safely…

Picture: Theresa Ardley
Last autumn I wrote to a ‘cooing’ editor of the Royal Yachting Association magazine congratulating the British Olympic team in all their medal glory. Yes, I am sure all sailors are pleased.
But what about the ‘humble’ sailor doing what our Government advise – have a staycation. That for sailors and caravaners, including campers, means the use of bottle gas for cooking…

Nothing appeared in following magazines … I wrote to the membership section asking them the same question.
Neither elicited a response, which when you read the excerpt from the June issue of the RYA magazine is, quite frankly, a load of rubbish.
The saga continues – Calor have apparently stopped blaming Covid, drivers and Brexit and now accept they haven’t sufficient bottles. Apparently, 100, 000 have been ordered.
The problem is many people are ‘sitting’ on empties or no longer used cylinders in garages and sheds…
Swale Marina and a yard shop in Maldon have none of the smaller cylinders. Garden centres and other outlets report dire shortage.
As would have it, on leaving the office at Swale marina during the past two weeks my eyes alighted on the latest issue of ‘All At Sea’ so I picked up a copy.

The All at Sea paper trumpeted the forthcoming season with total silence on an issue that is vexing the minds of many boaters – paucity of bottled gas.
I emailed the editor, Jane Hyde. Within a few hours she responded. Upon checking with a certain Simon Everett, it transpires he has had the same problem. This chap has been tasked with investigating. A copy will come my way before publication. I await with interest.
Now, that is what the RYA should have done.
Sitting in Whimbrel’s cockpit watching the world go by whilst reading … I mused upon all of this. Surely, I am not the ONLY person to have raised the problem with people who should and can use influence and pressure.
I canvassed my Facebook ‘friends’ with the problem. Those that chose to respond, all agreed, essentially, that they find it hard to understand what exactly the RYA actually does for its members – cruising members that is.
Yes, they lobby Government on some important issues, but they have completely lost sight of the ‘humble’ sailor…
What am I going to do. Well, cancel my membership for one, then pay that same amount to a charity that actually works positively.
Update: All at Sea have investigated and found that what I have said is correct. One of the paper’s staff has experienced problems – part time delivery skipper.
All at Sea are responding in forthcoming issue – hopefully July/August issue.
We have cancelled our future direct debit to RYA and emailed our (my) termination of membership.