Last week, a milestone was reached a couple of days after getting away for a magical night afloat with my youngest sibling.

The mate and I were out walking – a bit of a hike actually – on an urban yomp to Westcliff and back to home. Sitting over a coffee along the route I opened my emails on the iphone. There, sitting in the inbox was a communication from my publisher.

The gist of it was – please read the edited copy of the manuscript, ‘your book’, make any necessary changes and any last alterations/additions, and return to publisher within twenty-one days…
For over a third of my allotted time allowance we were going to be on a holiday over our wedding anniversary. So, nothing for it but to get cracking.
The email sounded ‘complicated’ with instructions on what to do…
The file when I opened it was almost self explanatory. It used a track changes function. There appeared to be two lots of editing – proof reading and ‘errors’ but I was soon to find editor made errors too! The system used made it very easy to see what had been altered.
The proof and editing were in different colours. Editor questions were in another with an box on the side.
Any change I made was also in a different colour…

My part of the process is all but complete with a final check to be made. Then it’ll wing its way back to the editorial desk.
Another milestone was completed during this process too. The design for the front and back covers has been completed.
I cannot display this for obvious reasons!
Currently, I do not have a programme of event dates, but that time is drawing ever closer with the milestones so far reached.
Eventually there will be a little publicity video!