Gravesend Town Pier: a magical facility in the heart of ‘Old Gravesend’ where private pleasure craft, spritsail barges, tall ships, small commercial craft, the Tilbury Ferry and more besides have been able to berth.
The facility has been managed for Gravesham Borough Council by a private management team. Ownership has been held by the local authority.
Change is afoot…

Picture credit: Gravesend Town Pier.
A little while ago a little bird told me about the prospective sale of the Gravesend Town Pier, as reported later in Kent’s local press.
In conversation I was told that Thames Clippers has had a clause since 2000 to operate a service west of the pier towards London.
For Thames Clippers – now read UBER! The group have been in long discussions regarding the facility’s future.
At the time, my correspondent feared for the onward availability to other users. They would include, Tilbury/Gravesend ferry operated by Richard Bain, other pleasure boats and private pleasure craft (us yotties). This would also affect use by spritsail barges too, with a possibility of putting a bit of a kybosh on the Thames match contestants visiting etc…
Never mind the annual visit made by the paddle steamer Waverley!

Picture credit – Jason Arthur Photos – Gravesend Pier & the Boats Facebook page.
Anyway, for those interested, the story appeared in the Kent Messenger (Gravesend) back in the early days of this year. It was a great pity they used an old picture showing a bald headed pier without its modern pontoon end thus negating the strengths of this facility.
Then, ‘out of the blue’, a recent post appeared on the Gravesend Pier Facebook page telling of the pier’s imminent transfer to Thames Clippers – Uber Group – with great voicing fears for its loss to the community at large.
I thought surely not and there seemed to be huge gaps in knowledge, locally, about the ins and outs of this splendid facility.
It needed further investigation I felt, not just because for a number of seasons we (my wife and I) have berthed Whimbrel on the inside of the pontoon whilst transiting to and from London, and did so back in August of this year. Clearly we wanted to come back…

The question ‘all’ are asking is essentially this: ‘Will yachts continue to be welcomed?’
My contact, one of the pier’s managing consultants (Gravesend Pontoon Ltd), said earlier this year that it was hoped UBER would allow the pier to run much as it had…
So before moving on, let’s look at Gravesend’s other piers, ignoring commercial ones upstream and downstream:
- Royal Terrace Pier is used exclusively by the Port of London Authority.
- West Street Railway Pier – demolished. Inshore stub remains.
- The old Tilbury Ferry Pier – vehicles and foot passengers – demolished. Inshore pivot pylons still located just above Town Pier. Old access built over.
- Pier located between Royal Terrace Pier and the Gravesend Rowing Club slipway.
Of the above, 2 & 3 are lost for any future use. And 1, the Royal Terrace Pier, is owned and exclusively used by the Port of London Authority’s vessels.
What about pier 4, located immediately down stream of the Royal Terrace (PLA) Pier? It doesn’t seem to have a real function – probably work boats?

The pier sits outside the flood barriers. Its access is from a yard with some buildings which appear to be disused. The Custom House sits at the road end of the plot and all belonged to the Excise Men until the building was sold for use as offices. I understand there are plans (2021) for conversion into flats. The building’s façade would at least be preserved…
Incidentally, the pier pontoon was refurbished around 2018 for a marine operator.
This is clearly a wasted asset! A little project for Gravesham Council perhaps?
So: what is the future. Well, exciting news: I have it on very good authority that the future is far from bleak!
Hot from one of the managing team:
The pier sale has been finalised.
Terms of the sale require Gravesham Borough Council to carry out know repairs to the ‘iron structure’ then Thames Clippers assume responsibility. Responsibility of the pontoon has already been passed over.
I was told that Gravesham BC have never had much interest in the maritime aspects of structures and such – due to a lack of understanding perhaps – but have always wanted to see water-borne visitors to the town.
However, they have to fix what is outstanding!
The very good news, in my own words and understanding:
- Thames Clippers/UBER wish for the current management team to continue as they have been. There were some safety related discussions, I understand. There was no indication given to me that the pricing structure currently in place is to be altered – as with everything, a rise must be expected.
- It was made abundantly clear to me that their wish is for the pontoon to be used as before.
- Private pleasure craft (Yotties) continue to be welcomed on the inner side with booking made through the normal channels.
- Thames spritsail barges remain welcome.
- Sailing ships remain welcome.
- The ferry will continue to operate.
- The Waverley bookings will be honoured and any Clipper ops will work round this vessel.
- Their operations will only be from the outer berth.
- Currently plan Spring weekend excursions/school holiday times.
I understand that Thames Clippers/Uber reassured the management team of their value and respect for the facility and want to extend reassurance to the maritime community of continued access to this facility.
Thames Clippers apparently only had one major concern and that was use by the small commercial vessels sometimes seen alongside…
So there you have it.
I am sure there will be more in the press in time, maybe!
The future is shining brightly…
Just be fully aware of the wash and drawdown effects from the Clipper Boats when out on the river and alongside.
Happy Christmas!
A member of the pier pontoon management team attended the open meeting on Monday 21 November on the pier held by Thames Clippers.
He reports: ‘Reception was held in the ex-restaurant end of Town Pier. All cleaned up and lit, with drinks and buffet laid on via Three Daws. Mr Colins (from Thame Clippers) gave an introduction address then questions were invited on a one to ne basis to TC staff. All very positive and reassuring.’
Many thank to management duo, who themselves have been ‘long in the dark’ in many respects.