It has taken what seems an inordinate length of time to have the changes made at final edit returned to me.
Where we were on the 1st June 2022…
The document arrived yesterday – 6th October 2022 – and after down loading, it did not take long to run through what I asked for and see that all was well. Layout looks good too…

There were a few minor ‘house’ things I picked up on the way through…
There was a little fun too!

I did send a message saying ‘go away…’ but it didn’t work.
So, the project is moving on which pleases me greatly for I was becoming a wee bit fractious.
The content has been cleared fitted for publication. Good news for a chapter deals with sailing in covid times.
I await the next phase.
Sorry, I do not have a publication date.
Nor a title release yet either!