Apparently, the reporting of near miss incidents has fallen by a staggering near 50% over the last few years. The Port of London Authority are clearly concerned for they know that safety has NOT improved to that extent.
It is the reporting that has dropped. The PLA want river users to be proactive in reporting incidents for ultimately damage, injury or loss of life can be minimised.
There was a notice earlier in the autumn which caught my attention, but the later one first, I think…
It is about the approach of Christmas!

Small chunk lifted from PLA Notice 19 of 2020…
‘CHRISTMAS DRINK & DRUGS AWARENESS CAMPAIGN As we approach the Christmas Season, the Port of London Authority (PLA) and the Metropolitan Police’s Marine Policing Unit will once again be supporting the Metropolitan Police Service annual ‘Christmas Drink – Drive’ campaign. This high-profile campaign highlights the dangers of driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs – this message applies equally to the river as well as the roads, as the safety of vessels, passengers and crews is of paramount importance…’
The drive or emphasis seems to be on the ‘upper’ river sections but we all know that down in the estuary it is of paramount importance too!
I have a rule on Whimbrel, unwritten and unsaid, but alcohol is not served whilst underway. If a lunch stop is on the agenda, a pint is the maximum I will enjoy. My crews too.
A small snifter in a coffee on a cold day being the only deviation!

The other notice that hit me between the eyes was something which I have had recourse to use. This is PLA Notice 17 of 2020 – Near Miss Reporting.
It was after being ‘bombed’ by a RIB. We were in the shallows outside Smallgains Creek. I was on the cabin top preparing to set the mainsail. Christobel was on the helm.
The boat went ‘ballistic’ … Christobel was thrown off the tiller and across the cockpit, jarring herself. The boat slewed dangerously.
How I didn’t go overboard, to this day I do not know. I wish I had in many respects: it would have got more done about it…
Sadly, I still have waking periods at night when it pops into my head…
I will say no more!

We are approaching the deep water channel No.6(N) buoy – if shipping is such we either wait, sail off or put engine on to clear across in good time.
So, I had a good look at the link. There is an incident reporting form on the small craft ‘navigators club’ site on the PLA web site.
The section is called: Boating on the Thames and it covers all areas from the estuary up to the tidal limit at Teddington. Get yourself listed if a Thames sailor and enjoy!
I have cut a little section from the PLA document…
‘NAVIGATIONAL NEAR MISS & INCIDENTS NEW WAY OF REPORTING A new way of reporting Navigational Near Misses and Incidents has been developed and is now publicly available to all River Users through our website or the PLA Tidal Thames app on your smartphone. To report a Near Miss or Incident via our website, go to and click on Near Miss & Incident Reporting on the home page.’
It goes on…
‘Therefore, if you are involved or are a witness to a near miss or incident, please report this as soon as possible by submitting a report via our website or the PLA Tidal Thames App which can be downloaded…’
We were sailing over to Queenborough that day – we made it – and enjoyed a great weekend at the Traditional Boat Festival (2019).

If afloat over the Festive period, get out there and enjoy yourself, but leave the imbibing to afterwards…