Finished the last jobs, I don’t think so! However, the target has been achieved many time over this season what with the fine weather enjoyed.
Just before leaving for my birthday June cruise, I completed the final edit on latest book. See earlier post. I am now awaiting it to be finalised for final acceptance before it moves to next stage. Hey ho.
Laptop and file has to come sailing!

We got home from an extended two week early June cruise around Medway and Swale, taking in the Pageant (that wasn’t) and the Finesse Rally on following weekends, two weeks ago now.

It seems an age and poor Whimbrel has had no sailing since – me as well!
There were various jobs to deal with. While away the mast step came adrift on Twitch. It was fixed but not completed while away – allowing it to be used. A coating of epoxy completed the job.
The mast leather needed re-tacking.

Then the thwarts had a sand and varnish too – the gunnels had been completed a couple weeks earlier.

In the meantime, I had to carry out some planking edge paint repairs caused by a hard mooring buoy – annoying!
The boat has been fully stored with her dry provisions ready for some weeks of cruising, pottering and exploring.
My sister and two friends join for a week this coming Saturday – a convivial little group, especially the chap who says he is Welsh, but actually only a quarter. We have fun!
I had an interesting conversation with the yotty paper ‘All at Sea’ and a letter and answer will appear. It is all about the gas problem. Editor was unaware, but staff on the paper were and no one had said anything!
As for the Royal Yachting Association – they have been given the big heave ho! A waste of space.

One morning was spent at a fruit farm picking luscious Gooseberries, raspberries and some red currants. So two types of jam now awaits our return from our holidays…

If you yourself are off sailing or just off on land holidays, enjoy and make the most of a generally covid ‘free’ time.
Take care and be safe…