The Saturday Times, 8 May 2021, has a piece about licensing to drive a boat, by Matt Dathan, Home Affairs Correspondent.
This is expanded to state ‘…anyone seeking an engine-driven boat of any size would need to present a license.’
What does this mean?
The powers currently do not exist and would require legislation, and may well be included in a new borders bill in the upcoming Queen’s Speech.
The article talks of it being, ‘… mandatory…’

Currently no one needs a license unless one keeps a boat on one of the inland waterways where they are required. Some harbour authorities also license ‘permanent’ river users (not visitors) – Rivers Crouch and Medway to name two.
There has been talk of boat licences in the past which has come to nothing. The Royal Yachting Association, as far as I know has a stance of ‘education’ as a means of control. But in the context of the article, it is in the ‘fight’ to prevent illegal migration across the channel.
The Times also had a recent article about ‘licensing’ of Personal Water Craft in respect to their inclusion as motorised craft under the Merchant Shipping Act, which would bring such craft into line with most boating folk.

Most sailors, motor boaters and other water users would probably accept the PWC proposals … but this new idea?
Not sure, but clearly the people smugglers are gaining access to the craft they need with an ease.
Recently, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency put out a press release to the Marine Industry about the increased demand for small motorised craft – from the criminal fraternity for smuggling.
Thefts account for a very small percentage of smuggling needs. So, they have been ‘openly’ buying…
Now, most yachting and boating folk will have picked up what I clearly did too. The discussion is around what are called Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) and other inflatable craft capable of carrying an outboard engine.
A larger example of boats the people smugglers are after is shown below, operated by Kent Police.

And on Amazon, there is currently a plethora of craft that fit the smuggling needs. There are a huge number of sellers out there, I just picked on one.
We had recent ‘brush’ with the Kent Marine Police, when sailing back from Queenborough a couple of weeks ago.
They came out of The Camber, whizzed off to the dastardly old submarine boom anchorage block (time it was removed) then came round our stern at speed, creating a bloody great wash which caused the main boom to smash back and forth violently until I got all the slack in (we were running out…) The wash was so bad, Christobel and I had to both sit down until the water quietened … all we got was a cheeky ‘sorry’ – I glared at them!
They wanted to know where we’d come from, where we were going and when were going to get there…
All very good. No problem with any of that – but where was the organisation last year? Clearly very conspicuous by their absence on the River Medway…
Against the current Covid-19 regulations, several people have said to me: Bit late for checking on people now … we’re allowed to go away …
Yes, quite.
Would have been great in May and June last year when people were blatantly breaking Covid-19 Laws. Many will know the sorry story of the threats made to us during that period. As a sufferer for my perfectly acceptable views, I will NOT be lashed into an aggrieved silence.
For far too long, the abused, threatened and harassed people in this country and across the world have been expected to remain silent. We will NOT do so any more. Many loud campaigns have been making this fact clear.
However, returning to where I started, I believe our police ‘interview’ had more to do with people smuggling. The numbers of migrants making the whole distance has exploded. Note: I have absolutely no problem with Political Asylum, as laid down by the United Nations. So, back to licensing.
I have looked on the Royal Yachting Association web site and there is nothing (yet) about this subject. I’m sure they will catch up on it…
If you can withstand the Queen’s Speech in full, listen: there just may be something that could, ultimately, soon, have ‘The State’ on our case for ‘unintended’ reasons…

(We had another overnight dash between the windy periods!)