
Ditch-crawler watches as a bit of maritime history passes through Devizes, Tetbury bound…

Christobel and I were beginning to descend the Caen Locks, a famous flight in the inland waterways world, when I spotted something seemingly out of place.

To sketch out why we were so far from the sea – we were in Devizes on ‘mother watch’ whilst my sister was in Greece for a spot of sailing – for two weeks in fact!

What caught my eye was a river launch, of a definite 1930-40 vintage.

Vintage river launch…

Arriving at the boat’s approaching lock before it, I took the preferred line from the only man then aboard: his two crew were working the locks…

Striking up in conversation, I learnt that the boat was on its way to Tetbury (I think…) and had been bought towards the end of the phase two Covid-19 lock-down somewhere u the Thames.

The boat had been essentially refurbished by the last owner, who, for an unknown reason lost interest. The boat sat in a yard for over two years without a cover, deteriorating…

The name, Mariner III, could well be her original name and she apparently has a pedigree: she was one of a pair of motor launches built for the River Thames Police Unit in 1942. She would have been based at Wapping. This particular boat, and possibly her sister, escorted the Havengore with Sir Winston Churchill’s coffin aboard up the Thames prior to his funeral.

The Mariner III going gently downwards…

When built the launch had an open cockpit aft of the steering position amidships. The aft cabin was fitted when the boat was converted into a river cruiser. As I said to the owner, who plans to keep the additions, the arrangement was neat and looked as if it could have been as built.

I’m told that when built the boat’s hull would have been finished in black – as were police vehicles in those days. The 30′ 0″ vessel was built by Osborne’s of teak.

Securing in a lock on the Caen flight…

I wished the owner well in his venture – an extended Covid-19 lock-down project, apparently – and we carried on for on foot, we were travelling far faster then all the craft coming down the Caen flight…

If anyone has any info on the boat, I’d be pleased to hear from you.

Thank you to the people who alerted me to a couple of mistakes…


Ditch-crawler has a day with the Beeb on the River Medway…

It began probably around fifteen years ago when I was writing about the saltings around Saltpan Reach, Stangate Creek and Sharfleet: Burntwick Island was my target.

The book was: Rochester to Richmond, A Thames Estuary sailor’s View.

See: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rochester-Richmond-Thames-Estuary-Sailors/dp/1781556202/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&hvadid=80814204471414&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&keywords=nick+ardley&qid=1599421560&s=books&sr=1-2&tag=mh0a9-21

Burntwick Island has long been of interest: my father always used to say the buildings left upon it by the military after WW2 … he was a war and a bit out: they date from around 1894.

Whilst looking into these, up popped a man of great ‘importance’ and interest. He was Doctor Sidney Bernard R.N.

The old barrack block from the military days 1894-1914 looking after a boom across River Medway.

He became Surgeon on HMS Eclair, a steam assisted paddle wheel ‘gun boat’. The ship was engaged in the bight of Africa off Sierra Leone and Nigeria on anti slavery duty.

The ship was infected with Yellow Fever. On way back to Portsmouth the ship’s surgeon died in Madeira (a common ship stop=over place) and Sidney was promoted … on return to portsmouth he ship was dispatched to Sheerness and thence to the Stangate Creek Quarantine Station,

A round 50% of the crew eventually died … Sidney who remained with his patients also.

Sidney, for some unknown reason, was buried on Burntwick Island, then a sheep farm. The farm house was in the bight of the island west of the the jetty remains in Sharfleet Creek. There is little left of farm, except for a fragment of its ‘inland’ protective wall.

I had a call from the BBC Southeast office dealing with ‘Inside Out’ back n May/June asking if I was interested in doing something about Sidney Bernard. The presenter has been a ‘fan’ of my books for many years apparently.

So, following the phase 3 opening up of Covid-19 restrictions, we were able to arrange.

I left the two ‘Beeb’ chaps in charge aft…

I picked the team up in Queenborough and we sailed to Stangate, where the camera man was put ashore. We sailed away and came back … won’t bore anyone with the anchoring/rowing bits! Suffice to say the camera man got wet socks!

BBC Socks drying!

After some on board filming and lunch, I took the two into the saltings. Why Sidney was buried in this place is unknown. His family home was in Dublin and there was absolutely no way he could have been taken back: Yellow Fever putrefies the body.

I believe, he asked to be laid to rest here…

Grave of Surgeon Sidney Bernard. Only the railing tops are visible.

BBC Southeast will be broadcasting the piece in the Southeast Magazine Programme following the National News on Wednesday 9th September in the 1830-1900 slot. It is usually a little before ‘half time’…

See: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000mjqy

There will be a shortened version on the ‘lunch time’ news on Tuesday 8th September.

Please note: I will not disclose where the grave is. A very few, if a mere couple of people know: it should be left alone and allow brave Sidney to continue to rest in peace.

The site has silted by another approximate 100 mm since my previous visit ten years ago.

The camera angles were such as to not give much away…

Please respect Sidney Bernard’s wishes to be buried in this lonely, yet beautiful place.


A little look at Ditch-crawler’s early summer, post Covid lock-down…

Our summer has been punctuated by latent strife, bubbling on beneath what has generally been a tranquil, warm and pleasant summer. It boiled over one day sailing into Stangate. But, that’s enough of that…

As the Covid-19 phase three lock-down release approached, I reran Whimbrel’s halyards with new ones prepared during the late winter and early spring, long before a lock-down was thought likely!

New halyards run and coiled…

The boat was treated to a new length of anchor cable too – covered separately. See: http://nickardley.com/ditch-crawler-decides-whimbrel-needs-some-new-chain/

Another necessity before going off overnight was to replace the boat’s mooring warps. I had one good one left after I’d used all the other 3-strand nylon/polyester ones joined into one to make a long tow rope when we came across a Benfleet Yacht Club boat up on Bargander Sand outside Smallgains Creek.

We failed to pull her off, as did the Island Yacht Club’s work boat which came to our assistance. Our warps were accidentally ‘let go’ to the grounded yacht … all attempts to retrieve them have failed. I did hear that the owner was ill, but time has gone on, and what of crew/family responsibilities, let alone thanks and appreciation!

See: http://nickardley.com/ditch-crawler-enjoys-a-week-of-glorious-carnival-weather-finding-courtesy-and-cheerfulness/

As you will see the post’s title did not reflect life’s current finale! Renewals cost nearly the same as a our weekly groceries. Hmmmm…

New warps cut to length, eyes spliced into ends and served…

We finally got away for a week a few days after the 4th of July ‘release’ and enjoyed a gorgeous sail round the outside of the Isle of Sheppey to Harty Ferry. Due to wind over the tide bounce, we moved up to Elmley, where all was quiet and tranquil.

Many, poo poo the Swale, but Elmley makes a good anchorage in 3 m to 4 m of water at low tide.

East of the Lillies Cardinal Buoy marking the wide shallow flats running into Elmley ‘hill’ back east towards the port and starboard buoys closer to the old ferry hards is the spot to go. We used it later in the summer too…

We also had a mini Finesse Festival with three Finesse 24s meeting up at Queenborough and a sail up to Chatham for a second night together.

Left to right: Whimbrel, Calluna and Gypsy – all Finesse 24s.

At Chatham, a convivial evening drinks gathering was enjoyed with three couples spread about the deck of Calluna, a ’24’ with cutter rig. The rules requiring at least 1 m+ and preferably 2 metres separation between house-hold bubbles…

Returning downstream, we had a fantastic sail in company. Whimbrel left the other boats outside Stangate, where we went instead of heading ‘home’.

Gypsy and Calluna in Saltpan Reach.
The three boats at sunset…

Later, we wended our way into Faversham. There I sought out the Finesse 24, Quo Vadis, which I knew was at Alan Staley’s Yard, being worked on.

The boat has had her keel bolts renewed, some water ingress rot repairs have been made and she’s been fitted with a redesigned deck edge and rubbing band arrangement. Toe rails have been fitted and stanchions removed. A gaff cutter rig is being fitted too, the new rigging ‘chain plates’ can be seen…

Quo Vadis with her ballast keel off.

She looked lovely, awaiting final hull painting…

Our plans for the summer included a slow sail up the London River to Limehouse – I’ll cover this separately. A booking made a year earlier for a production at The Globe had long gone by the wayside!

On our way back to Chatham for the second time during the summer, we again stopped off at Elmley. We left the dinghy moored on the mainland hard, which provides clean footing to the shore.

WW2 wooden Mine Sweeper remains at Elmley Ferry.

At the top of the hard sit a couple of dismantled wooden mine sweepers from WW2 whilst out on the flats another rests, abandoned and gradually rotting.

We enjoyed a lovely circular walk around the bird reserve which enjoys the old brick works area and digging pools.

Murston’s old church – now being converted into an arts centre.

On the way back down Milton Creek, I, in particular, enjoyed getting close up to old works remains, creek-side derelict wharves and ‘boarding’ an old spritsail barge buried to her decks in cord grass.

The spritsail barge Gladstone, a brick barge built 1867, of 38 net tons, apparently abandoned here c1930 – clearly long before her time was really up!

While in the anchorage at The Lillies, we witnessed the spritsail barge Dawn coming round from Kingsferry Bridge, under sail, luff up into Milton Creek, reducing sail and work the bends to below the new road bridge, where she anchored. Her boat then took some cargo up to Crown Quay, where the sailing barge Raybel is berthed for a rebuild. Look at the web site.

The Milton Barge Museum has been moved here into a purpose built building, as per the original burnt down by vandals some years ago. The quay has been designated a heritage development/facility.

The Dawn passing Grovehurst Jetty outside Milton Creek.
Dawn, bringing up inside Milton Creek.
A ‘Lillies’ sunset…

On passage to Chatham, where we needed to utise the laundry facilities, we were in for a treat as we passed the bawley Doris and the barge-yacht Nancy Grey.

Doris through Whimbrel’s sails…
Nancy Grey enjoying herself in the hands of new owner, Tim…

I haven’t been able to have a walk down past the Hoo barge graveyard since being ‘shut out’ of Hoo Marina which no longer takes visitors. The boat yard at hoo will, if able to sit in the mud and also the Hundred of Hoo sailing Club will facilitate the same. So, passing, I focused at full telephoto on my camera and ‘had a look’ …

The recognisable barge is the Ena, the last to be added to the collection here – they act as a breakwater to the yard.

The once mighty and pretty Ena resting among around nine of her sisters at Hoo.

In Chatham we had another return visit to the Old Dockyard and following day a trip to Rochester on one of the hottest days of the year. It rather sapped us a little. A chocolate duck Christobel bought for our ‘baby’ was reduced to a sad congealed blob in its bag!

A quiet afternoon and night was spent anchored north of the old water barge wreck in Stangate (It can become a bit rolly-polly here for some strange reason).

I enjoyed an evening sail in the tender, Twitch, whilst my good shipmate washed up our dinner things.

Burntwick Island’s long since abandoned barrack block from the c1890 – 1914 chain barrier across the R. Medway.
The two heavy machine gun posts on the eastern nose of Burntwick in the evening light…

A night in Queenborough to stock up with essential fresh provisions was needed before our Thames jaunt. We arrived promptly and enjoyed the walk to the new shopping complex outside the little town.

It is a pleasant walk along lengths of the old course of Queenborough Creek, providing exercise to offset, a little, the holiday beer allowance I was then enjoying!

Sailing into Queenborough we watched the sailing barge Adieu sail past the two giant drilling rigs parked on the old ferry berth, awaiting the call to another job.

Yes, it was a good start, but the weather had warmed appreciably with the best on the agenda…


Ditch-Crawler decides Whimbrel needs some new chain…

Hauling out the chain from the locker when anchoring some while back during the period we were being allowed to go sailing for exercise, under the Covid-19 restrictions, I realised that my ‘rustier’ length of anchor chain had rusted much further since last used!

The chain was purchased without really looking into where chains were made (mostly in China now) and what were the best qualities, in respect to galvanising in particular.

I alighted on Jimmy Green who were one of the few suppliers which give comprehensive information about chain available, its quality and in particular the galvanising.

I then came across EYE Marine based near Suffolk Yacht Harbour, Levington. I got the same information about galvanising in particular too.

The two companies are linked below:



EYE Catalogue…

The same quality EYE chain was somewhat cheaper than at Jimmy Green – MF grade 40 hot dipped galvanised, made exclusively by MF Catenificio Frierio, Italy – but carriage was more expensive!

So, I said to Christobel, ‘Do you fancy a day out in Suffolk with a wander round Woodbridge…’

‘Oh yes…’ she said, eyes wide open and full of sparkle!

The deal was done. Chain was ordered while we were away sailing a week or so ago and collected a couple of days ago.

Yesterday it was taken down to Whimbrel’s mooring, laid out and 5 m lengths marked off with paint.

Painting the 5 m markings.
Chain ready for joining to remaining good (relatively new section).
Stainless steel joining link showing rivets riveted over. (There are four in total)
Finally, the end is shackled onto anchor with a greased pin then seized with monel wire.

We enjoyed a coffee and cake in a place not used before (probably new since our last visit) and enjoyed a walk about. Some crab and prawns were picked up and we later drove to The Suffolk Food Hall near Bourne Bridge and had a picnic overlooking the River Orwell…

We were surprised at the number of closed/empty shops etc in Woodbridge. The place lacked any buzz, whereas locally in Hadleigh, Essex, a vibrancy has returned.

We wandered down to the waterfront too, of course, talking about when we next sail into this delightful river…


Ditch-crawler enjoys a week of glorious carnival weather, finding courtesy and cheerfulness…

This last week has been a wonderful week to be able to get afloat: the sun has blazed down, largely being too hot and sticky, but it has driven my good ship-mate down to our creek, reading and relaxing, whilst I’ve done a few small jobs. And, more importantly, to wanting to be afloat in the cool.

In the last week we have spent five of the days using Whimbrel for glorious afternoon sailing. The wind has been benign, no more than a good force 4, providing perfect sailing conditions and much cooling as it moved into an easterly flow.

Whimbrel romping along under her own control on the one sail alone!

It seems an age now that the Brent geese disappeared. Spring has long gone too and we’re well into the summer period. Sailing though has been limited by the Corona Crisis, but a semblance of normality is slowly returning.

The numbers of people out on the water has been quite large and increased daily. These ranged from motor-cruisers, sailing yachts, sailing dinghies, canoes, paddle boarders, speed boat and jet skis. The whole gamut…

One of the things we noticed was the courtesy displayed by virtually all met. A canoeist commented on this too, as we chatted as we sailed past him.

Some fine ‘old’ ships were seen and appreciated too.

The ancient Little Ship, Come at Last, built in 1902.
The 1982 built Finesse 24 Gypsy with her two owners aboard enjoying a cracking afternoon together…
Close by the racks of the Leigh-on-Sea Sailing Club is the pretty 1922 gaff cutter Betty II.
Another ‘old timer-looking’, was the Finesse 24 Calluna – another relative youngster built in 1981.

All three of the Finesse 24s are Island Yacht Club boats…

From the Hunter stable – the sweet little Poppy was seen too. She’s owned by a couple who once had a half-share in a Finesse 24. They love this little yacht and make the most of her as often as they can, putting many larger boat owners to ‘shame’ in fun and usage!

It is a great shame that craft like these are no longer built (manufactured).

An older Westerly yacht – older than the three Finesse 24’s sailing around her!

A largish collection of dinghies were out on each day and a ‘club’ patrol boat puttered around keeping watch.

I was entranced by a youngster casually practising capsize and recovery drills. Perfect each time. Dinghies like the Lazer being sailed weren’t around in my younger days – a humble Mirror was what we (my three siblings and I) were allowed to play with.

A club patrol boat…

Two shots of a capsize drill…

Over she goes … helm works round transom…
Get hold of dagger board, pull and grasp gunnel as she rights…

A huge number of paddle boarders and canoeists were out, savouring the calm waters – well there were choppy-ish areas to be found. These pleasure pursuers tend to ‘float’ around the marsh edges, but can often be seen a fair distance out.

One day, the vhf radio on a coaster ‘shouted’ warnings of a canoeist in mid ship channel off Canvey Island. Not sensible and if a large ship had been coming, could be dangerous . Thames VTS were somewhat concerned!

Upon a sparkling sea…
Daddy doing all the work as his children sat back!

There were a number of ski-craft about, mostly in the allotted areas, this one – below – came through the moorings though, but wash was limited.

A ski-boat hauling a chap on a board – more power seemed to be needed!
A few of these were about too … only on one day did a heard of them come careering through moorings and other craft…

Friendly motor-cruisers went by at moderate speeds, fast enough to get places, but slow enough to soak up surroundings and feel the cool air blowing past…

A ‘modern’ grp motor-cruiser, type unknown.

Sailing a little way up past the old abandoned Salvation Army wharf groups of people had settled by the water for afternoon picnics and in one case, a spot of fishing.

Walkers abounded on the wall – a route Christobel and I have taken several times during the initial Covid-19 lock-down period.

A family picnics and fishes for their supper…
Running up Hadleigh Ray past the Salvation Army wharf.

On one of the days, midweek, as we were coming round the deep water passage south of Bargander Sand towards our own creek, a yacht was spotted ‘out of channel’. The tides have been mid range and there would have been barely a metre over the shallowest point.

I said to Christobel, ‘look there’s two crew waving with both arms…’ We looked at each other, and i added, ‘I think they’re asking for help!’

I sailed as close as I dared to the yacht, Alian of Beaumaris, with some plate down: we were tacking.

‘Can you help’ a voice called, adding, ‘We’re aground’.

I said I could see that: there isn’t much water in that area. I made them understand that we would stow sail and motor back. That done, I grabbed most of my best 3-strand mooring lines and joined them to make a long tow rope.

The first attempt by crew to secure the tow failed, retrieving and coming back round I called, ‘Make it fast properly please…’

I let Whimbrel take the strain, then gradually opened her up. Nothing. Huge cavitation. The yacht was fast.

Christobel in the mean time had called Thames VTS to inform them of what we were doing. This was belayed when the Island Yacht Club’s work boat, Fairway II, came out (she was in creek working) upon hearing our call.

I later tried calling VTS by phone to up-date them. I got an answer phone and gave up.

Attempting to tow yacht Alian off Bargander sand.

Our work boat was finding it difficult to reach the casualty . I way-laid a passing RIB and asked them to pass the tow line, which they did – twice. It was very good of them; the driver said they were low on fuel, being virtually dry (another lesson there).

The RIB passing the tow line.

It didn’t look like the boat was going to come off. The club’s work boat was struggling in the shallow water and had little steerage.

The yacht was pulled to quite an angle, turned through 90 degrees, but move, no!


Time was moving on and we were both watching the clock and I was casting looks back towards Smallgains creek: I could see we hadn’t a lot of time to get back into our mooring.

The wok boat ceased her attempts – dropping our line overboard for yacht to retrieve… They’re mine I shouted into the wind!

We had a bit of a laugh with the crewman later…

Wheeling round and coming as close as we dared, I called out my contact details – they were clearly repeated. I said, ‘send me an email: I want my lines back…’

I also strongly advised them to call the Coast Guard and let them know too.

A debonair crew…

We made it back into our mooring with little time to spare grounding within ten minutes.

leaving the boat, we heard the tones of Southend’s hover lifeboat roaring to the rescue. The crew were taken off and put ashore on Two Tree Island’s hard.

The RNLI hovercraft alongside the Alian.
Whimbrel running towards leigh-on-Sea’s Bell Wharf…

We enjoyed another fine sail before the end of the week heralded shopping and other chores!

The yacht was still out there, anchored on the shallows, surprisingly afloat (tides have been around 0.3 m above prediction daily this past week) and I was even more confused as to why an attempt to retrieve wasn’t happening. Strange.

I wrote at the beginning about courtesy – after two days ‘we’ have not had a communication from the boat’s owner(s).

I shall wait and see a few days.

Getting them back could otherwise be troublesome.

Around forty metres of 12 mm, 3-strand polyester, isn’t cheap. And then there would be serving and eye splicing to do to.

We’ve often gone to the help of those in trouble upon the water and I’d like to think, we would be treated the same.

We had planned to go out for the day on this coming Saturday or Sunday, but the weather has turned particularly windy. A walk in the wide open Essex country-side beckons…

P.S. Christobel eventually contacted the Benfleet YC to ask about yacht. Later the secretary responded and thanked us for our help towards one of their members and stated that owner wants to return warps in person. When? Not called us yet – 5 days on!


Ditch-crawler learns of a near completed Finesse 24 refurbishment project for sale…

A stalwart of the Finesse Group has had to place his near completed refurbed boat on the market.

See: https://www.apolloduck.co.uk/boat.phtml?id=639051

Sadly, the reason being is due to a move to another country for work.

The boat was purchased by the current owner some years ago from a yard round the Swale in Kent. Following various essential areas of work, she was sailed down ‘west’ to Poole Harbour.

Tig (of Tollesbury) – Arjen Schipmolder

The boat, Tig (of Tollesbury), was used for the rest of the season, before coming ashore for detailed examination of known defects and for rectification works to be put in hand.

The boat has an extensive list of equipment, mostly new.

Her ballast keel has been off and re-seated with new keel bolts. She was essentially taken back to bare wood on outer hull and cabin sides.

The boat dates to c1973, going by her hull/sail number of 21. You’ll note that her cabin windows are of an older shape.

The work entailed to finish her is not extensive. The current owner lists these.

The owner is willing to take offers for he cannot get back to UK to finish her.

Go to the link for details.


Ditch-crawler reflects on a recent River Medway visit…

My last post, where I talked about the numbers of local yachting folk ignoring the requirement to return to main residence after a day (or a period) on the water, exercising, caused some ‘anger’ to surface out there.

My use of ‘gets angry’ in particular, seemed to be a problem, but I did say quite clearly that I didn’t think staying out at anchor would cause anyone or myself a problem. I simply asked sailors to be mindful of what we are supposed to do – nothing wrong with that, surely?

Caravan owners are having to comply to same rule, those that don’t have been stopped on various roads and sent home … well documented in the news.

Leaving Smallgains Creek early on a Sunday morning recently…

But there was a problem. One sailor after commenting on the Medway swale boating Association site also sent me a pretty damning email, to which I did not rise to. I calmly sent my thanks for comments. I have since seen the content of that email on a public site…

It was quite noticeable that the obedient majority, stayed largely eerily silent. Frustrated is the word I should have homed in on …

I am sorry if I upset anyone: respect of each others views is important – my view was vilified, but I will let it rest.

As an aside, I have refrained from comment on my facebook page on more times than I can remember to avoid unnecessary ‘clashes’ during the past few months … perhaps I should have ignored what has been going on!

To better things…

Last weekend marked my 65th birthday – a milestone, or just another one of life’s landmarks. I don’t feel any older, and certainly, according to my dear wife, don’t act it…

A lovely present from my good shipmate…

At the beginning of the year we planned to be taking my ‘Canadian’ brother, who was coming over for a visit, away with us sailing with a stop-over in Conyer to enjoy the hospitality of The Ship Inn. My brother’s flight has been turned into a ticket for later use … and we didn’t go, obviously.

So, with a weekend of fine weather, we did four hours of planking renewals on our club moorings on the Saturday and on Sunday dropped down to Whimbrel at 0545 to get ready to go as soon as afloat.

As we left the creek, the early morning sun sparkled on a slightly ruffled surface, the day’s warmth was then already making itself felt.

Sails were pulling nicely and the engine was silenced within a few minutes. passing east of the Leigh Middle Buoy a huge ship was seen approaching from the sea. We had been tipped off about about this by our ‘shipping’ son.

Boy was she big! She is in fact the largest vessel currently on the high seas.

We seemed so close, yet were ell clear for the guard boat took little notice of us.

The HMM Algeciras

It was n’t long before breakfast appeared – a tasty bacon filled bap. Soon after the West Nore sand swept by to port as we left the deep water and picked up speed over the shallows towards the Grain Flats.

It was just great. The feeling of seeing my (and Christobel’s) beloved river coming into view beyond the old fort and business of Garrison Point. The good mate kept looking at me a smiling broadly, she could see and tell, I was in my happiness place!

Cutting across the Grain Flats and nipping inside the fort…

Ah, the river looked and felt delightful. I was ‘home’ … it is a place of many and long memories. One of my earliest was ‘helping’ to row with sweeps the spritsail barge May Flower across to the mud edge near Blackstakes … tumbling memories cascade before me, as I write.

In the distance we saw numerous sails of the Lower Halstow YC Red Sands Tower race coming down Stangate Creek on the first of the flood. Well done all for the turn out. You were a splendid sight.

Part of the Lower Halstow YC fleet approaching Victoria Buoy…

Passing Stangate Creek, I looked the other way … before taking quick peek. A veritable forest! Good luck to them all, I thought.

How far would we get. Gillingham Reach would have been nice… We’d cut by close under Sharp Ness and were making well towards the Bulwark wreck buoys. Here the wind suddenly went fickle and way was virtually lost.

Creaming over the ebb toward Sharp Ness…

We turned. We’d made it thus far, pointless flogging the ebb for little gain. The sky was filled with summery puff ball clouds, blotting the sun, briefly, from time to time. Oh it was just wonderful. It was easy pleasant sailing. We’ve had tastes, getting out on the tide, but a longer trip is different.

One of two giant rigs that will soon be sitting ‘on’ Garrison Point.

Going out of the harbour we had a chat to an ‘old boy’ who knew my parents in ‘May Flower’ days. It was a few years ago now he made himself known, however, we’ve still to meet either at Queenborough or at the Medway YC. He railed against not being ‘allowed to saty out and said, bluntly, he wasn’t prepared to do so.

We briefly discussed the approaching 4th of July review: caravan friends have reported to me that this is the date the Caravan Club expects a ‘release’… This will of course include yacht folk.

We had a good look at the first of two mighty deep sea drilling rigs which arrived some time earlier this spring. The next is due soon. Both are ‘out of work’ and will be resting while demand for new petroleum reserves is low!

See: http://msba.org.uk/?p=5749

I commented to my mate about the Grain Edge Buoy: Peel Portds have instigated a review into whether this boy should be updated with an easterly cardinal – my choice (lit) – or retained as a grenn conical.

The Grain Edge Buoy – under review.

See: http://msba.org.uk/?p=5801#comment-204020

For decades I have sailed close to it and rarely round it – usually when tacking northward. I hope it is replaced and positioned just east of the 2 metre tongue a little north of current buoy.

Picture – Peel Ports – Grain Edge Buoy.

It was wonderful sailing, fast, but not furious. The gaunt and guano streaked rusted masts of the Richard Montgomery rushed up, we headed to the north. Once clear we turned ‘west’ towards the Nore. Chrsitobel took over here for a longish spell…

She said afterwards, ‘I loved that bit … Whimbrel did too … you could feel her lifting her skirts and dance along.’

Yes, indeed.

The Ministry of defence has recently issued a call for interested companies to tender for the removal of the Richard Montgomery’s masts. Latest survey results show a decided decline in the old ship’s structure. The masts will be exerting weight and stress forces on these rusting structures.

The underwater sonar pictures of the wreck are interesting indeed. Sobering: a slight change in the natural balance of flows here and the ship could end up sliding into the Medway’s channel…

The masts of the USS ammunition ship, Richard Montgomery.

See: https://www.peelports.com/media/5513/ntom-no-29-of-2020-approaches-to-sheerness-grain-edge-buoy-consultation.pdf

Heading west from the wreck…

Around six hours after leaving our mooring we were coming up the Ray Channel. A small group of common seals were basking in the warmth upon the yellow sun drenched sands as we came in.

Some distance beyond the seal, we fetched up to the edge and touched on … dropping anchor and stowing sails. After our lunch, I dropped overboard for a little swim! The mate went below for a nap…

A sailing friend walked down from his own boat, ‘parked’ in the shallows further west. He wanted to wish me a personal ‘happy birthday’ – thank you very much Robert.

Whimbrel anchored on the Ray Sand edge…

During the middle of the afternoon we departed for a waiting spot outside Smallgains Creek and tidied ship.

On the way up a little converted sailing canoe swept past with two crew keeping her up. She has been fitted with outriggers. She was a pretty sight indeed.

Nice little sailing canoe conversion…

And then, as the afternoon wore away into early evening, the anchor was hauled and we pottered into our creek under power.

25 nautical miles.

A grand day.

Evening sun glistens on the creek…

Ditch-crawler gets angry about local sailors (Lower Thames & Medway) disregarding Covid-19 instructions…

Since the first easing of our Government’s Covid-19 restrictions, us sailors, boater, canoeists, paddle boarders, dinghy sailors and motor boaters etc, have been able to fulfil a long desired dream of time out on the water, in England – the devolved administrations are acting a little differently, as are some English regions.

However, the requirement to return to main home and not to a 2nd home or caravan and that includes pleasure craft, remains in force. The requirement is unambiguous and straightforward.

I have been asked by numerous members at my own sailing club about whether or not one can go out overnight and became, quite frankly, pretty fed up with answering the same question, when the writing is as clear as can be. I have also seen pictures of moored craft at night in Stangate Creek across the Thames inside the River Medway – made me angry: I too would like to potter off for a few days – harmless to me and others, but…

Out for a sail on the tide the other day, I was passed by a yacht returning up the Ray – it must have been: it could not have got away from its mooring before I left my creek…

The boat will remain nameless … when pictured, I was homing in on a tern sitting on the red buoy before becoming aware of the craft’s approach.

Seen returning up Hadleigh Ray from the ‘sea’…

Passing, I challenged the helm … unrepentant as hell … it made us both quite cross: we’ve endeavoured to be as strict as we can in adhering to requirements. With a boat sitting ready, it has been hard!

I just caught the tern before it lifted off…

I wrote to the Port of London Authority to give their verdict on requirements.

This was the response I have received and although this is the port of London’s view it is the view of all known marine organisations and harbour authorities:

Thank you for your email of 27 May 2020.

I have discussed your query with colleagues – we agree that your interpretation of the current government covid / coronavirus guidelines is correct.

If we take those government guidelines as the starting point, then it may be helpful if I quote these verbatim:

·       “You should stay at home as much as possible”

·       “Leaving your home – the place you live – to stay at another home is not allowed”

·       “Day trips to outdoor open space, in a private vehicle, are permitted”

·       “Leaving your home – the place you live – to stay at another home for a holiday or other purpose is not allowed. This includes visiting second homes”.

My source is this government website – dated 22 May 2020:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do

The RYA is also publishing information on the government guidelines. See: https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/coronavirus-advice-and-information-for-recreational-boaters.aspx

Kind regards

Martin Garside

Port of London Authority

Thank you, thank you, Martin: I was beginning to think it was me!

We had a glorious sail, meeting up with some friends who had just been able get their lovely little yacht, Poppy, launched that morning.

Whimbrel running along the Chalkwell shore – picture Billy Chapman

Poppy’s crew took a number of lovely shots as we briefly sailed in close quarters… We were out for a further 3/4 of an hour before sailing into our creek, under head sail, and berthing without resort to power. Lovely!

I have since also accessed the Royal Yachting Association guidance for recreational sailors/boaters etc.

RYA Guide…

As you will see it is as clear as it can possibly be, vis, picture of a house, GO HOME!

So, fellow sailors, forget ‘Cummings’ and others, do your bit properly and don’t be part of a set-back, please…

Warning: Dated, Wednesday 24 June 2020

Today, from a reliable source within the yachting literati, I received news that I have been accused of informing the police about a certain sailor being away from home. This was after the person(s) concerned received a visit from the police.

The person concerned stated that I have mentioned their name(s) in this post.

I wish to state publicly that I have not and would not contact the police on this matter.

I deliberately did not name any boater in my post.

I have also been told that there is a desire to burn my books from that person and others!

I have also been informed that a person has stated that given the opportunity they will burn Whimbrel.

Currently I am treating this threat lightly, however, if further reports reach me I will not hesitate to contact the police.

A fellow sailor today called to me that they have been hearing many stories relating to me and this post. He said people are ‘so sad’.

This is a sad reflection on the so called ‘caring society’ that we live in.

Guilt is caustic, I do hope those that feel this way reflect.


Ditch-crawler learns of a pretty Finesse 21 for sale…

A fellow owner of a Finesse contacted to say that, reluctantly, he had decided to put his Finesse 21, Ivy May, up for sale. He has owned her for a dozen years or so.


When the chap bought Ivy May, he wasn’t even married, but now, with two growing boys who take up all the space, a larger boat was needed.

Ivy May sailing through Queenborough Harbour on her way to The Leigh-on-Sea Festival. – 2018.
Picture: Nick Ardley.

I have known, Tim, the owner of Ivy May for a number of years meeting here and there at rallies or just out. He is a keen, enthusiastic, almost ‘boyish’ sailor with guts and experience. He has made it to a rally ‘up the coast’ from the Lower Thames more than once in conditions that put others off. He trusts the boat. And that is something about a Finesse – she will look after you.

The boat was originally rigged as a Bermudian cutter and was in need of quite a major overhaul when Tim found her in 2004 at the Iron Wharf Boatyard in Faversham.

Ivy May as found by Tim in 2004. Picture: Tim Mulcahy

The refit took until the spring of 2006 to complete, and she looked stunning upon her re-launching.

Ivy May in 2006. Picture: Tim Mulcahy.

It wasn’t long before Tim decided that a gaff rig was what he wanted and a new set of spars and sails were ordered.

Ivy May reefed down on her way to the 2014 Finesse Rally at Chatham Marina.
Picture: Nick Ardley.

As with most Finesse yachts that come on the market, there will be an inevitable job list, as with all boats. But, on a wooden wonder, your efforts will be duly rewarded.

Ivy May at a Finesse Rally. Picture: Nick Ardley.

What I would say to a prospective purchaser is go and take a look. This boat has been used for sailing, not sitting around. Some things that I know of need attention – Tim knows of these too, obviously!

In the main, some deck edges need attention: the decks and cabin tops are marine ply covered with glass cloth and epoxy. Sometimes an insert is needed, more often than not a simple epoxy repair will suffice and paint. The main cabin hatch needs a new top or complete renewal.

For details, see: https://yachts.apolloduck.co.uk/boat/finesse-21/636594

Go on, you know you’d love her at first sight … she sits in her berth at Oare Creek, near Faversham, ready for that magical test sail…

Ivy May alongside her larger Finesse 24 sister, Whimbrel at Queenborough Classic event in 2018.
Picture: Nick Ardley.

Contacts for Tim.

Email: mulcahy321@btinternet.com

Tel: 07944 208069

Information given is best that I am aware and prospective buyers are advised to make own judgement.



Ditch-crawler learns of the barge-yacht Nancy Grey’s sale to a new owner…

I have known Nancy Grey and her sister Dione for most of my life from around 11 years old. Both are barge-yachts, built by Shuttlewood of Paglesham on the River Roach. The build shed still exists, but little takes place there these days. The yard was being used to build/fit out house barges for the River Thames some years ago and one still sits awaiting completion.

Nancy Grey… (Nick Ardley)

The Dione is owned in Kent and is berthed in Shoregate Dock off Milfordhope Creek – one of the Medway’s many creeks. Her owner also has the Thames spritsail barge Ethel Maud, which is nearing a complete rebuild in the dock.

But this is about the Nancy Grey. Years ago I received an email from a chap sailing in the water around Thailand – he’d been a previous owner of ‘Nancy‘ – the chap had just finished reading one of my earlier books and wanted to say ‘thank you…’ That was Paul Lester, father of Toby, owner of the spritsail barge Ironsides and manager of the Iron Wharf Boatyard.

Nancy Grey coming through Queenborough Harbour – (Nick Ardley)

Some time after returning from his trip abroad, Paul Lester decided to buy Nancy Grey, a boat he’d owned before, from Nick Hann, a Leigh-on-Sea man. Nick had decided to go for a steel barge-yacht which had become available – the Calluna. She is roomier and has a shower in the toilet compartment which enticed Nick’s wife afloat more often!

Nick had owned Nancy Grey for many years and in his time the vessel received a bit of a make-over – something all of her owners have had to do to some extent or other.

Nancy Grey having new planking – Nick Hann

During this particular refit Nick told me that he also built a new hatch which gave better ‘standing room’ or sort of, beneath! She’s a bit low below…

Below – during the refit… Nick Hann.

Some frames were renewed to… All spars were completely stripped and re-preserved.

Almost ready for the water… Nick Hann

Nick Hann raced Nancy grey to some noyable wins around the lower Thames and on the Swale. In his hands she became a bit of a flyer, however, these little ships were noted for their speed.

If you take a good look at many of today’s yachts, you’ll see hard chines and very flat bottoms. They’re so barge-like. The pedigree rests with these humble ditch-crawlers of a bygone age.

Nancy relaunched with spars awaiting sails… Nick Hann.

I heard from a fellow Finesse fiend, Tim Mulcahy, very recently telling me he was thinking of selling his Finesse 21, Ivy May, and purchase a larger vessel. His boys are growing … and Tim needs space for his new lady.

Shortly after this conversation, Tim messaged me, ‘…Breaking news, Nancy Grey has new owner and is staying in Faversham…’

Tim had jumped!

I shall bring news of Ivy May, a delightful gaff rigged Finesse 21 soon.

Nancy Grey in full flight, racing… Nick Hann.

I wish Tim well. He has a lot to live up to in the care of this piece of yachting history…