I have been forced to be very selective about when to go for a sail with a knee that is a little unreliable … therefore the number of times I have got out has been reduced. I am pleased in a way that the weather has helped in my decision making!
So, after helping out at our club for the early part of the morning until ‘tea break’ we readied Whimbrel and slid out as soon as the boat picked up. The tidal cycle was neaps, rising, however the tide seemed to take forever to come in and we floated later than usual for predicted tide…
Christobel tweaking the jib foot tackle…
It was a bit of a grey day but there was a decent enough breeze to make sailing worthwhile.
It was good to hear the rustle along the boat’s sides as we forged over the flooding tide. We cleared the creek and ran eastwards to abreast of the Crowstone before making a long tack inshore taking us to the Essex Yacht Club, which seemed devoid of life.
In towards the Essex.
A further long close reach took us out close into Canvey Point, passing two of the Lower Thames Rowing Club boats.
Jolly Boats!
Bird life was a little like the weather, devoid! There were a few Brents about but I suspect many of them were in amongst the winter wheat under the Hadleigh Downs. There were a couple of swooping flocks of waders in the distance over the Canvey saltings. I mused to myself about the nearness of spring: it’ll not be long before the terns are back in residence … I’ll be ‘on the beach’ by then ‘banned’ from sailing until my new knee allows.
Whimbrel was still sporting its temporary main hatch while the actual unit has been undergoing a small repair and a complete strip down and recoating. (It is now back in place, looking resplendent after nine coats of varnish)
We sailed up into the Ray to the Two Tree Island slipway where the mate took the helm. As Christobel brought the the boat round, I slipped the main down as we came through the wind, stowing it while she ran back towards the creek. A well practised procedure, as many of my crews will vouch for.
Upon entering the creek a bee-like buzzing had me searching the sky around – annoying to the extreme – and i found the source. A drone hanging just off to our starboard filming us close to. So bloody rude.
Drone hung in the air filming our activities at close hand – intrusive and damned rude.
Pity the drone wasn’t around to shots of us on an earlier January sail – they never make contact and offer a picture, unlike this person did…
Thank you David.
Whimbrel captured by a fellow Finesse sailor as we crept in during a late January sail…
It was good to get out, especially with the mate. Bless her.
Happy Valentines Day dearest, and I hope you enjoy our ‘dirty weekend’ in Faversham … I promise not to gaze too fondly at boats!
This is no longer a joke. Boaters and caravanners to an extent will be champing a the bit in frustration at the news from Calor that the small 4.5/3.9 butane/propane cylinders are discontinued as of now.
The size that has replaced these are 7kg/6kg butane/propane which are appreciably taller and will not fit most locker compartments built into boats especially. A new regulator will also be needed for the butane cylinder. The larger sized bottles are 495 x 256 mm whilst the smaller 4.5/3.9 kg butane/propane bottles are/were 340 x 240 mm. A bit of a difference.
Looking down into Whimbrel’s gas locker. Note: width 250 mm achieved by scalloping cockpit structural fore & aft member. The calor cylinder at 240 mm (nominal) diameter just slips in.
Now, I launched a ‘campaign’ last year, following on from problems of the previous year, and I asked the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) to investigate and put pressure on the gas supplier.
The RYA could not even be bothered to respond to my letters (emails) so it was clear that an organisation that is supposedly looking after boating interests is not interested in the problems of its cruising members one minute jot. Gold medals is the only thing that activates them.
I terminated my forty year RYA membership in response.
During 2021 whilst away for the summer cruising on the east coast we had to change to propane due to acute shortages of the 4.5kg butane cylinders at all marinas we enquired at. Propane 3.9kg was little better, but we managed…
2021, when we were forced due to shortages of butane to change to propane. A new regulator was ready waiting to be fitted too…
The available bottles from Calor are ‘huge’ in comparison to their small bottles and there is absolutely no way for me to fit one or even two with a locker bottom above the waterline to achieve gas drainage.
Calor says: If you’re unable to increase your storage facilities, an alternative could be found through Campingaz (907 = 2.72kg). We recommend reaching out to a local gas safe registered engineer who can safely advise on any changes required to your gas cylinder set up.
Camping Gaz R907 holds just 2.75kg of butane (they do not do propane) and will keep a two burner cooker going for just eight hours. Bloody wonderful.
Courtesy of ‘Getoutwithkids’ web page
Yes, the bottle which has a diameter of 203 mm will fit into gas lockers specifically designed for the Calor 4.5/3.9 (butane/propane) bottles, but this is not the point.
Aboard Whimbrel, our Calor bottles have consistently lasted around three weeks when away summer sailing. The Campingaz will need changing almost weekly in comparison and at around twice the price.
New camping gaz bottles with an exchange agreement cost around £90.00 and a refill costs anything up to £45.00
Yes, one could turn to diesel cookers. I investigated these and as a flue local to cooker is required, it would be under water when sailing….
We could go backwards and use a paraffin cooker, but, bloody heck, they take time to get going. Methylated spirit is needed – dodgy stuff – or even a meths cooker. Meths and cooking do not make good partners. No thanks…
My good mate says that tomorrow whilst out for a sail on the tide we will take a look aboard and decide where to keep a third campingaz bottle!
I will follow up…
This is the response received from Calor Gas after I sent a complaint:
Does anyone believe this. I certainly don’t!
Since writing the above, I have looked at other gas bottles on the market of the smaller sizes.
Flo Gas: has a 5 kg (patio) cylinder measuring 384 mm in height and 305 mm diameter.
Flo Gas has a Leisure 6 kg cylinder measuring 495 mm height and 256 mm diameter.
Calor have a 5 kg patio cylinder (propane) 314 mm in height and 306 mm diameter.
I found a BOC 4.5 kg propane cylinder: height 390 x 270 mm diameter, but BOC are not easy to obtain other than online/direct. Again, size is a problem.
None of the above could be fitted without major cockpit reconstruction!
It would appear that Flogas has a ‘calor’ sized bottle: Propane, height 340 mm x 240 mm diameter. It would need marinas to stock these to be of any real use.
However, I am currently investigating the possibilities of a ‘Calor’ sized cylinder with a different supplier. I will follow up…
The only alternative, as Calor say on their web site, is a Campingaz 907…
Update 17 Feb 23:Company I wrote to failed to respond – well what a surprise!
Practical Boat Owner has an article in its April 2023 issue which gives the ‘Calor Line’ but does not cover the other issues I found by talking to the marina outlets and other suppliers over the past two summers.
It is a great shame that the media and our industry did not take up this issue when it first surfaced. We have been failed by all those that supposedly look after our interests.
Article courtesy of Practical Boat Owner – April 2023 Issue.
Good luck to this coming summer. Be prepared to rejig systems, change regulators and cylinder size and ‘lash’ a bottle wherever it can be safely fitted!
The misuse of jet skis in the Lower Thames (Sea Reach), River Medway and Swale has been an ongoing and increasingly dangerous problem for many years. This of course has been a problem not just within the mentioned areas, but everywhere.
During the Covid-19 pandemic many people new to water borne activities purchased personal watercraft (jet skis) for they knew that a summer holiday abroad was an unlikely scenario.
When we were all released after the first lockdown (April-May 2020) to go afloat, the water became at times a night-mare place to be due to ‘virgin’ operators with little or no experience whizzing wherever they minded to without a care for others on the water around then.
This one chopped across our bow…
I would add that not all operators acted thus and I am sure experienced jet ski operators may well have been eaqually aghast at the antics seen.
Police were called to the Leigh-on-Sea waterfront due to adverse activities on one particular day. My wife and I were ‘cut up’, circled and suffered close passes too – which was written about at the time.
The Times newspaper even picked up on it with an article and a leader column too. The Government said that the Maritime & Coastguard Agency would be looking at the legislation and stated they would act if the regulations (law) required to be changed.
I wonder if Kelly Tolhurst, a Member of Parliament for Rochester & Strood, who was working in the ‘shipping’ Department was involved: she had direct access to The Medway & Swale Boating Association, a powerful lobby group acting for and in the interests of boaters.
There has been a couple of ‘missives’ from the Port of London Authority (PLA) on water safety, the effects of wash and draw-down which was aimed at all craft including merchant vessels in the spirit of co-existence and education.
The PLA have also successfully prosecuted mindless jet ski owners in the last few years. Picture evidence was crucial in this.
From the Marine Industry News web magazine 18 January 2023:
‘The UK is introducing new legislation to crack down on the dangerous misuse of watercraft such as jet skis, with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) being granted more powers to prosecute perpetrators of accidents.
The new law will come into force on March 31 2023, before the busy summer period, and will enable watercraft users to be prosecuted and bound by the same laws that apply to ships to help to prevent accidents.
This follows a boom in the watercraft industry during the pandemic, with the number, size, power and availability of watercraft like jet skis increasing, and their use in UK waters rising.
The government says today’s move (18 January 2023) will help ensure the UK continues to have some of the safest waters in the world.’
It should be remembered that personal watercraft were not covered by maritime safety legislation. The new law will mean those found guilty of using their watercraft in a dangerous manner could receive an unlimited fine and even up to two years in prison.
The article went on to say:
‘For those who cause accidents involving loss of life, the new offences could be used to better prosecute perpetrators alongside wider manslaughter charges.
Personal and recreational watercraft will also be bound by the “highway code of the sea” — international regulations which require users to act safely by maintaining a lookout, driving at safe speeds and outlining their responsibilities to other vessels.’
But, beware: the same regulation will surely cover all craft.
Best advice as an ex merchant seafarer: Keep a log, as one is duty bound to do under the current legislation.
This is not a problem just associated with jet skis. RIBs, sailing yachts (usually faster and larger) and motor boats can be a menace too.
We all make mistakes, but there are errors of judgement and plain barmy decisions…
Not always a RIB or Ski Bike. Here we were cut up by a large yacht, initially heading across our stern. She changed course and passed along starboard side. Her stern ‘passed under our bow’ as she swerved and subsequently gybed ‘behind’ our sails during which a man below leapt onto the helm – air flow deflections.
It was in the early part of the new year just a few years ago that I was alerted to the evils of Prostate Cancer while listening to BBC Radio 4’s morning programme. Again, this year there was a fresh ‘bash’ at the subject with a strong message for men.
The current UK total of cancer cases stands at around 380,000 cases per year, of that 40,000 are of the ‘Man Disease’ – Prostate Cancer. That is a little above 10% of all cancer cases.
The rough split is Men 53% of cancer cases and Women 47% of cancer cases.
(2018 Statistics).
How often do you see men as advertising targets – NOT BLOODY OFTEN.
It is about time the NHS bucks up and calls men in for testing, as women are for cervical and breast screening.
It is tragic.
Many of you will know of my story, or some of it. The whole is contained in a link below:
The BBC Radio 4 programme had a lady from a leading research charity speaking and later a ‘boffin’ who filled in the details.
There seems to be a ‘post code lottery’ but I believe this more down to reticence on the part of men.
Generally, Scotland has 1 in 3 men who when tested find that it has reached the metastatic stage – Gleason level 3 to 4. In Yorkshire and the North East of England the figure is around 1 in 5. The rest of England and Wales varied towards 1 in 8 in London. The eastern region has the more savvy men!
The cancer charity spokes person said: ‘Men should get a test regularly from around age of 45 and if a known family problem form age 40.’
Caught in the early stages, prostate cancer is highly treatable – specialist used the word curable…
Me on the ‘slab’ undergoing radiotherapy… Early stage treatment is often by drugs alone.
The specialist said that the biggest problem rests with GP practices. They do not like invasive testing. Been there! Christobel was in tears at this point…
Both guests said that although the NHS and other cancer web sites give a list of symptoms, however, it is more often than not men who have no symptoms who have the greater level of cancer when finally tested.
I had no symptoms, just a gut feeling. The information needs changing…
Now: the first test is a simple test of a blood sample – this should be offered (done) when one is called for blood tests or for any other test as a matter of course, cost is infinitely small.
If the test proves positive, a second blood test is likely. Then a knowing finger up bum feeling just inside close to the prostate is carried out. Enlargement can be detected here as well as any lumps on side felt.
Next a biopsy is carried out. Clearly, this is the test for a yay or nay… You leave the clinic smiling or bloody frightened.
NHS Wales has been carrying out a one day screening programme – probably as a trial for UK wide expansion. I don’t know how that has progressed.
The specialist also went on to say that men should ask and be demanding (I was told not allowed, so I banged the health nurses desk – that made her sit up!)
The specialist reiterated the need for men to get this test regularly to catch at earliest stage: then it often means a curative outcome.
Once the level 4 region has been reached, it is curtains.
The start of 2023 came in wild, damp and depressing, weather-wise. It also ended a very good year afloat aboard Whimbrel and I haven’t much to complain about.
2023 also marks a milestone for Whimbrel: she was ordered and largely built during 1983, forty years ago. There will be more of this later in the year.
A large job looms over us this year, well, as soon as the weather allows, for Whimbrel is to come out so that we can strip the varnish from her coach roof, sheer strake, transom and rudder.
However there is a glitch in all of this: I have been nursing a ‘poorly’ right knee for some time. To cut a long story short, at the beginning of December 2022 a knee specialist booked me in for a knee replacement – in two to three months he said…
I have ‘bone on bone’ contact in my right knee… Pain killers have been keeping me relatively mobile, if a little fractious at time!
So, I am hoping for as early a date with the saws as is possible for one can’t, or aren’t meant to, even drive for two whole months afterwards. Sailing? The ‘law’ is already being laid down…
Bloody Heck!
Knowing only a little about the procedure, I went in search on the web for some pictures!
Courtesy of Zain Ritchie -a type of replacement…
A friend has advised me not to watch a video available on the NHS web site – quite frankly, I don’t want to know…
As the New Year ticked round, I popped down to the boat on a dry period during a miserable windy and dank week to remove Whimbrel’s main hatch and fit a temporary affair I made up some time ago. I have ‘spares’ for both.
Whimbrel fitted with her spare main hatch.
It has a little work needing to be done and the outer surfaces will be stripped back to bare before re-varnishing. It has never been completely stripped…
Hatch drying out in the comfort of our conservatory!
Any way, after the poor weather during first few days of the new year, a window opened with a decent SW 3-4. It was due to increase later but after my return, so I got out afloat…
It was virtually windless in actual fact, but enough to make over the tide out of the creek. Dozens of Brent geese kept swimming across the boat’s bow, in the creek and as the moorings were left astern. I saw a Little Grebe in amongst the ochre-grey withered stalks of last year’s cord grass, hunting for its lunch.
The water’s surface was all but glass, but in the near distance a ruffling on the surface indicated greater breeze – there was.
Leaving the creek.
There was sufficient wind to get across the Leigh Flats to near the Essex Yacht Club. I reached west to the cockle sheds to get a good slant back out to the Ray. Indeed, the breeze increased somewhat and Whimbrel clipped along in flat water.
Reaching out to the Ray Channel.
A few short tacks soon had Whimbrel inside the Island’s marsh point where sails were stowed. On the way in, I tried to get at a wandering creek buoy which had lodged up against the saltings just down from my mooring a week or so ago.
Unfortunately, there was insufficient water and allied to an onshore draft, I abandoned the attempt. With a crew, I might have succeeded in hooking it clear! Hey Ho.
It was great to get out, but I missed my mate who was suffering from a bit of a cold…
Statistics from Whimbrel’s log show that 982 N. miles were covered. 45 litres of diesel were purchased and the boat was in use for 105 days of 2022. Seven different individuals have crewed aboard, plus usual two of course…
Between Christmas and New Year the BBC Radio 4 breakfast programme has a guest editor each day. Their job is to work with the programme team and introduce a subject or subjects that interest or concern them.
There were three that particularly caught my attention: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, The Head of UK Intelligence Services at GCHQ, Sir Jeremy Flemming and The Swedish singer-songwriter Bjorn Ulvaeus (ABBA).
All three had one commonality: the power of communication.
Nazanin recounted being allowed a television restricted to safe channels … except one safe channel showed a day at Wimbledon on the day Andy Murray won the men’s challenge cup. It gave her huge hope…
The others had far deeper communications thoughts. I loved a section where the head of UK ‘spying’ interviewed the head of US ‘spying’ – with an interesting discussion on why they both agreed to alert the world to Putin’s invasion plans earlier this year…
But, it was Bjorn Ulvaeus who caught my ear, keeping it riveted. He was having an interesting conversation with an ‘unlikely’ guest: Sir Ben Ainslie.
Now, what do the two men have in common. Not a lot at first glance, however, they do in so many ways: communications. The use of AI (a recurrent feature during the week).
Sir Ben began to outline the use of modern communications and electronic wizardry in sailing – his type of sailing.
Recent British America’s Cup entry skippered by Sir Ben Ainslie – courtesy of a Team New Zealand post.
As all or most (for I hate the term all – such as ‘…we all love football.’ No, we don’t all love football!), so, most sailing folk know a little about the America’s Cup and the fact that having lost it in the inaugural race ‘we’ have never again held it. Sir Ben was explaining the intricacies of marrying a sailing vessel to AI and what he called ‘human machine interfaces…’
Sir Ben said tech was used to improve a boat’s performance to maximise potential – my words.
The boat though isn’t really a boat. Yes it floats, but a boat in normal language, no these ‘things’ aren’t. They are machines. Flying boats or aircraft if you like, but not, to my mind, a boat.
Yes, I know one has to have a broad outlook to ‘the sport’ and some good stuff filters down, but this form of ‘sailing’ is as much connected to the run of the mill boater as Formula One motor racing is to driving a family car, even though there are numb-nuts out there who think otherwise…
And, there is a similar breed afloat now. One can see them when out on the water. They stand at the wheel of a yacht of ever greater length and girth, staring fixedly at the big screen in front of the wheel, oblivious to craft around them and their need to obey the Rule of the Road.
In the past couple of years we have had to take avoiding action to preserve our wellbeing on several occasions!
That human machine interface needs a proximity alarm that cannot be switched off…
As my good mate remarked, having heard a piece of the interview: ‘…interface…’ she quipped, ‘that’s when I’m calling the depth when you drop the anchor…’
One of my favourite moments and pictures of the past season: Whimbrel in close quarters with the spritsail barge Blue Mermaid. Real sailing…
Aha, here comes a little addition for on New Year’s Eve, the Today programme continuing the theme of the week had the brilliant British-Nigerian computer scientist, Anne-Marie Imafidon guest editing. She first appeared on the programme some years ago – being a child prodigy in science, maths and languages – when she took he GCSE’s at 11.
Now, we were in for a stormer: there was a preamble about the fact that so much of our lives depends on SatNav – the Global Positioning System or GPS. The mathematics for this was largely proved by Dr Glady’s Mae West (b. 1930) from West Virginia, who first came to prominence during early NASA missions. Anne-Marie talked to the great lady’s daughter and there was a snip of an interview with the venerable doctor.
Two great ladies indeed and when one considers what the Taleban in Afghanistan are doing to women and girls’ education, who knows what minds are being stunted…
The GPS system was one bit of gadgetry that has benefited us yachtsmen to a level my grandfather could never have dreamed…
But, thank you BBC Radio 4 – it has been an enjoyable week listening over breakfast whilst champing at the bit to get out o the water.
Being prevented from grabbing a sail by damned weather…
AI can’t fix that!
Happy New Year to all my readers. We both wish you well for 2023.
Although Christobel cancelled our subscription to the Royal Yachting Association when I decided to close our membership down over their total indifference and lack of care regarding the extreme shortage of bottled LPG and Butane gas cylinders of the most common used sizes over past two or more years, the quarterly magazine continues to arrive. I suspect it’ll not stop until the spring-time renewal period.
anyway, absently leafing through before chucking into the recycle bin, I spotted this headline: ‘Your membership makes a difference.’
Courtesy of RYA.
Then further in I found a longer article headlined: ‘Your membership matters.’
Courtesy of RYA.
Of course, our experience of this self-congratulatory organisation is far, far different.
If the Royal Yachting Association REALY cared then the head honcho would have come back to me as promised by her PA earlier this year.
The front piece rattles on about lobbying (I sense ‘gravy trains’ here) assisting with proposed legislation – possibly the only plus – and all the benefit advantages of being a member with over eighty partners who would love us to entangle ourselves, none of which we have ever wished to us: I don’t want a Volvo, expensive insurance or stay at Portland House for instance!
I only ever asked the Royal Yachting Association to do something about the paucity of bottled gas. It affected many boaters and caravaners alike. They failed.
The second piece warbles on about getting the mist out of your chosen activity, inclusivity- which has been gradually covered more, but look at adverts for holidays and they are still showing blond he men and women on the whole – protecting freedoms ( severely curtailed for those unable to change an empty calor bottle over recent years), sustainability and growing together.
Excuse my language, but, Bollocks!
The Royal Yachting Association has not an iota of care for the common sailor. They are all about themselves, endeavouring to boost Royal Yachting Association membership and what they do for ‘the Nationals’, the Olympic team and other high profile events – largely based down south near where they hang out.
I’m not prejudiced. Observation is the key: I have been a member of the Royal Yachting Association for over four decades and I see what I see.
A straw poll of my club’s work party (sailors and motor-boaters alike) shows a dearth of Royal Yachting Association membership.
My RNLI winter 2022 magazines pitched up today in the mail. I was struck by he front cover headline on the ‘Offshore‘ section: ‘Fuel For Watersports – the food athletes and lifesavers choose’
Inside there is a rundown on the activities of three ‘Adventurers’ – Pip Hare, ocean racing sailor; Sian Sykes, SUP Adventurer and Activist; and Timo Mullen, professional windsurfer…
Where ‘Lifesaver’ comes in I couldn’t work out.
What the heck is the benefit of this article for the ‘common’ sailor, I am asking myself.
Section of magazine – RNLI.
These are sports professionals, far far away from the people who have a boat, canoe, paddle board or dinghy.
The only tangible piece of information was in a comment by an RNLI crew person who mentions the use of cereal bars. Well yes, they have been around for years and are used by everyday sailors, walkers and such. Even by people as a substitute for a proper breakfast.
Pip Hare adds electrolytes, multivitamins, supplements and minerals are added to specialist vegan dehydrated products to produce a meal…
Section of magazine – RNLI.
Sian Sykes talks of working with a firm producing specialist dehydrated meals too with a requirement for compostable packaging. Great, but I’d say a dehydrated meal aboard a cruising yacht was a rarity – unless of the pot noodle variety of snacks.
Timo Mullen waxes lyrical about not taking supplements, ‘I don’t take supplements or use gels, protein shakes or electrolytes…’ I feel a bit lost here, I have to admit!
In conclusion the article says: ‘The physical demands of your particular watersport will vary depending on its type, intensity and duration as well as your unique body…’
Christobel said, ‘I wish they’d write about ordinary things … I really can’t be bothered with this…’
Yes well, me too. I just cannot understand the relevance.
what I would call the basis of a nutritional meal after a good day’s sailing…
I was browsing in a second hand store while Christobel was chasing down ‘name’ skirts when I came upon this classic by Jack Coote, the inimitable author of the long standing bible of the east coast – East Coast Rivers.
The book, Classic One-Designs, was published by Waterline Books in 1994. Sadly, Jack wasn’t to see the results of many years work: he died before final editing and publication.
All pictures with courtesy of Jack’s family and the publisher.
Front Cover.
The acknowledgements page laments Jack’s loss during the editorial stages of the book’s production: there wasn’t a complete list of contributors – so I will add my thanks too to those that were accidentally missed out!
The book covers a gamut of one designs from around the world. There were and are many, many, more, however his choice is pretty extensive.
Strangely, for it has become a world classic, the Mirror Dinghy wasn’t included. Of the type, the Cadet and Optimist were. The Optomist, of course, is probably the classiest trainer ever designed. On the east coast, the West Mersea cadet week brings ‘hundreds’ out onto the water with their attending fleet of parent trainers – they make a colourful scene.
A little story here: Whimbrel was moored in the Quarters between Packing Marsh and Cob Islands during cadet week. A line of ‘Oppies’ slowly made their way over a tide down the fleet. We were having tea in the cockpit…
One, helmed by a young girl called to her friend; ‘Clara’ why are you going faster? No answer. Question repeated to a ‘Samantha’ coming up on the girl’s boat and overtaking.
Now, the iconic sprit main was sheeted in tight. I’d heard trainers telling youngsters to ease their sheets … so I called quietly, let the sheet out. The lass looked at me, then at Christobel, looked around and esed her sheet.
The boat picked up speed… Brilliant!
One design classes began in various locations where yachting was taking place at around the same time. The earliest is said to be a Dublin class – Water Wag – in 1886. These boats were the means for the ‘average’ middle class sailor to get class racing against like minded sailors.
Broads One Designs – the ‘Brown’ boats, date from 1901.
The ‘Brown’ boats have the appearance of yachts of much larger size as raced by the rich of the day.
The Brown boat details.
This class of boat has continued to flourish in GRP.
A smaller boat by far is the West Wight Scow which came into being in 1922. They are based on a few boats that were sailing prior to the First World War. Yachting Monthly called it as ‘a cheap and serviceable little knockabout boat’. Yes, well, they’re still sailing!
West Wight Scow.
The two Royal clubs on the River Crouch produced two very similar craft, which in many respects is not very surprising: the river is the same for both sets of sailors.
The differences are minor indeed. This is true for another class I will come onto as well.
The pictures throughout tell their own stories. Anyone who has been on the River Crouch over a race weekend will have, like me, marvelled at these beauties…
Corinthians roaring downstream with a decent westerly behind them…
The Aldeburgh Lapwing class are known to all yachting folk who sail into the Ore and Alde. They’re often to be seen sailing over a summer weekend. The boat featured in a novel by Libby Purves – Regatta published in 1999 – a story in which a deprived child is given an ‘Aldeburgh Summer’ by a foster family. The book is brilliant…
These boats had a smaller rig for youngsters.
The boats often remain in a family for more than one generation, however, the class numbers have waned a little.
A class from the USA.
At first glance, these craft don’t look right, however they proved to be exceptionally popular and have survived for eighty years as a class racing dinghy.
The ‘Brittlesea’ One Design.
Off the River Colne in Essex sits the creek-side village of Brightlingsea. It is an old fishing harbour and the dinghy class that sprung out of the end of the First World War has many ‘fishing attributes’ – sturdy, wide firm bilges and of clinker construction. I just love to see these boats working out of the creek and then later back to their moorings.
Down on the Thames shore of South Essex, two classes sprang from the drawing board of Morgan Giles. The Thames Estuary and the Essex – belonging largely to the clubs of those names.
The three ‘Estuary’ designs by Morgan Giles.
The two classes were redrawn by Morgan Giles and the result was the Estuary One Design. Many of these are still owned largely at the Essex Yacht Club and are keenly raced.
It is rare to see one of the two original designs – one is known to exist at The Essex…
I don’t as a general rule lend my books, but I did this one to a chap, new at my yacht club, who was brought up upon the River Ore & Alde sailing a Lapwing. His father is seen in a picture and the chap’s own boat too… No. 5, I believe!
Yes, fabulous. Thank you Jack for putting this book together. It was a joy to read.
And too, it was a revelation to just see some of the little craft that were born during those far off days before the advent of GRP and the clogging up of this world with under-used craft of all sizes.
Gravesend Town Pier: a magical facility in the heart of ‘Old Gravesend’ where private pleasure craft, spritsail barges, tall ships, small commercial craft, the Tilbury Ferry and more besides have been able to berth.
The facility has been managed for Gravesham Borough Council by a private management team. Ownership has been held by the local authority.
Change is afoot…
Whimbrel approaching the Gravesend Town Pier a little before low water during July 2021, creeping up under sail. I was told it was the first time a vessel had sailed on! Picture credit: Gravesend Town Pier.
A little while ago a little bird told me about the prospective sale of the Gravesend Town Pier, as reported later in Kent’s local press.
In conversation I was told that Thames Clippers has had a clause since 2000 to operate a service west of the pier towards London.
For Thames Clippers – now read UBER! The group have been in long discussions regarding the facility’s future.
At the time, my correspondent feared for the onward availability to other users. They would include, Tilbury/Gravesend ferry operated by Richard Bain, other pleasure boats and private pleasure craft (us yotties). This would also affect use by spritsail barges too, with a possibility of putting a bit of a kybosh on the Thames match contestants visiting etc…
Never mind the annual visit made by the paddle steamer Waverley!
The Jante and spritsail barge Gladys on Town Pier in May 2022. Picture credit – Jason Arthur Photos – Gravesend Pier & the Boats Facebook page. www.jasonphotogrphy.co.uk
Anyway, for those interested, the story appeared in the Kent Messenger (Gravesend) back in the early days of this year. It was a great pity they used an old picture showing a bald headed pier without its modern pontoon end thus negating the strengths of this facility.
Then, ‘out of the blue’, a recent post appeared on the Gravesend Pier Facebook page telling of the pier’s imminent transfer to Thames Clippers – Uber Group – with great voicing fears for its loss to the community at large.
I thought surely not and there seemed to be huge gaps in knowledge, locally, about the ins and outs of this splendid facility.
It needed further investigation I felt, not just because for a number of seasons we (my wife and I) have berthed Whimbrel on the inside of the pontoon whilst transiting to and from London, and did so back in August of this year. Clearly we wanted to come back…
Whimbrel tucked onto the upstream end of the pontoon in August 2022.
The question ‘all’ are asking is essentially this: ‘Will yachts continue to be welcomed?’
My contact, one of the pier’s managing consultants (Gravesend Pontoon Ltd), said earlier this year that it was hoped UBER would allow the pier to run much as it had…
So before moving on, let’s look at Gravesend’s other piers, ignoring commercial ones upstream and downstream:
Royal Terrace Pier is used exclusively by the Port of London Authority.
West Street Railway Pier – demolished. Inshore stub remains.
The old Tilbury Ferry Pier – vehicles and foot passengers – demolished. Inshore pivot pylons still located just above Town Pier. Old access built over.
Pier located between Royal Terrace Pier and the Gravesend Rowing Club slipway.
Of the above, 2 & 3 are lost for any future use. And 1, the Royal Terrace Pier, is owned and exclusively used by the Port of London Authority’s vessels.
What about pier 4, located immediately down stream of the Royal Terrace (PLA) Pier? It doesn’t seem to have a real function – probably work boats?
View from Google Earth of ‘redundant’ pier…
The pier sits outside the flood barriers. Its access is from a yard with some buildings which appear to be disused. The Custom House sits at the road end of the plot and all belonged to the Excise Men until the building was sold for use as offices. I understand there are plans (2021) for conversion into flats. The building’s façade would at least be preserved…
Incidentally, the pier pontoon was refurbished around 2018 for a marine operator.
This is clearly a wasted asset! A little project for Gravesham Council perhaps?
So: what is the future. Well, exciting news: I have it on very good authority that the future is far from bleak!
Hot from one of the managing team:
The pier sale has been finalised.
Terms of the sale require Gravesham Borough Council to carry out know repairs to the ‘iron structure’ then Thames Clippers assume responsibility. Responsibility of the pontoon has already been passed over.
I was told that Gravesham BC have never had much interest in the maritime aspects of structures and such – due to a lack of understanding perhaps – but have always wanted to see water-borne visitors to the town.
However, they have to fix what is outstanding!
The very good news, in my own words and understanding:
Thames Clippers/UBER wish for the current management team to continue as they have been. There were some safety related discussions, I understand. There was no indication given to me that the pricing structure currently in place is to be altered – as with everything, a rise must be expected.
It was made abundantly clear to me that their wish is for the pontoon to be used as before.
Private pleasure craft (Yotties) continue to be welcomed on the inner sidewith booking made through the normal channels.
Thames spritsail barges remain welcome.
Sailing ships remain welcome.
The ferry will continue to operate.
The Waverley bookings will be honoured and any Clipper ops will work round this vessel.
Their operations will only be from the outer berth.
Currently plan Spring weekend excursions/school holiday times.
I understand that Thames Clippers/Uber reassured the management team of their value and respect for the facility and want to extend reassurance to the maritime community of continued access to this facility.
Thames Clippers apparently only had one major concern and that was use by the small commercial vessels sometimes seen alongside…
So there you have it.
I am sure there will be more in the press in time, maybe!
The future is shining brightly…
Just be fully aware of the wash and drawdown effects from the Clipper Boats when out on the river and alongside.
Happy Christmas!
A member of the pier pontoon management team attended the open meeting on Monday 21 November on the pier held by Thames Clippers.
He reports: ‘Reception was held in the ex-restaurant end of Town Pier. All cleaned up and lit, with drinks and buffet laid on via Three Daws. Mr Colins (from Thame Clippers) gave an introduction address then questions were invited on a one to ne basis to TC staff. All very positive and reassuring.’
Many thank to management duo, who themselves have been ‘long in the dark’ in many respects.