
Ditch-crawler flags up good service…

We need a new red ensign my mate told me a while ago. The fly had been sewn up and the colour is badly faded. It’s quality is dubious!

‘It looked piddly…’ she said.

I had got a small 3/4 yard size last time…

So, I looked around the web. Most had no information regarding how made and details of material.

Jimmy Green did give some detail, but like many outlets had a high price…

On the Jimmy Green site.

Amazon had plenty of choice … some cheap printed types and others fully stitched and not so cheap. I went to web sites of outlets and finally began to get proper information. Some stated that they were made to UK Ministry of Defence standard.

Finally I alighted on Alpha Flags, see: https://www.alphaflags.co.uk/

The flag was described as robustly made in the appliqué style – all sewn panels – with a larger fly turn over (hem) with several rows of stitching…

It was described as being of good colour fastness too.

The flag a larger yard size.

It was ordered on Sunday afternoon. Monday, I answered a question and placed the order, making payment. It arrived on Tuesday’s post…

A cracking service, without a chandlery mark up.

Note the turn over and four rows of stitching.

The mate said it was lovely and bright, as I pointed to the stitching…

Although we only fly the red during the ‘winter’ … only time will tell.


Ditch-crawler comments on Fairline and starter boating…

Recently news broke that Fairline Yachts was in trouble again. This was after a fall in sales from around £48M to around £42M. Another group had taken over the concern in between times.

The ins and outs of the pain being felt by investors is far above my head, but they know the risks… It looked like the company was heading for a winding up if funding or new owner could not be found.

They are described as ‘historic’ in terms of British Yachts. Really, when the company dates from only 1963!

The company was bought late in 2024.

However, although initially it looked like the company was going to move onwards. This would have been good news for UK boating and leisure industry, but are their products really what the boating public needs: the craft advertised are bordering on ‘super-yachts’ and far outside the yachting norms.

And, what does £42M actually buy? How many boats does it represent?

Well, it adds up to very few craft: they are all big and damned expensive – up to a little under £4M.

Moving into 2025, within two months, the new owner enacted a winding up order and an administrator is now in charge…

If you look at the company’s history, they began with small run-about weekenders before gradually climbing the length ladder, until anything less than 40′ (other than a 33′ sports-weekender) was not catered for.

See: https://fairline.com/

In a news briefing it was announced that currently apart from a hand full of staff released before Christmas 2024, no one further had been laid off and work on orders was to continue whilst a future was looked for.

Meanwhile way down the line, the UK’s Caravan, Camping & Motorhome show is to reintroduce ‘starter boating’ in its format.


Now, there is a market in this sector. One only has to look around the creeks and small ports that abound in our rivers to witness the phenomenal growth of canoeing, kayaking, paddle-boarding. In my own locale, large groups of ‘canoeists’ are oft seen whilst out sailing.

A group of ‘canoeists’ on Mundon Stone Point – Lawling Creek.

One of the sailing clubs in Maylandsea has actively encouraged new memberships from this fraternity. It was something that developed in a big way during Covid pandemic.

Too little attention is paid to the small craft market. Whatever happened to the builders of boats of 18′ to 30′ that used to proliferate our waters? Some got just too damned expensive, like Cornish Crabbers, niche yes. £130K for a open plan 24-footer – madness!

The 1960s onwards into early 1980s was a time of huge increase in leisure boating and designers and builders ran with it. Many were poorly produced whilst others were heavy but there were also some great boats form Westerly, in particular…

My own came from this period, but of wood, starting at 21′ growing to 24′ and finally to 28′.

Then, I believe, the ‘big is beautiful’ ethos in marketing circles encouraged larger and larger craft. This destroyed that ‘starter’ buzz of working up through size with family and age.

However, there becomes a point when a large craft becomes a deterrent to actually going boating and one only has to look around yards and marinas to see this.

In my own patch, there are a couple of large yachts which are unused. One is coated in green verdigris – fresh water algae.

The yard and moorings are also filled with far smaller under-used or unused vessels – something else that is a common sight.

One wonders how many more craft are actually needed? What of those many thousands of unused vessels?

So, what is the future?


Ditch-crawler cracks on with varnishing jobs…

There are things, as all boaters know, that can be dealt with during the darker and colder time of the year. All that is needed is the ‘will’ and a place to do it.

I had no constraints for washboards and the locker door. but for the cockpit locker seat tops, an approaching week of ebb tides at the dark ends of the day was going to give me a window, so, I cracked on with the first items as they would not stop me using the boat.

A bit of dry and sunshine allows outside preparation like stripping and sanding and a shed or garage used as such is great for touching up, however, being ‘allowed’ to fetch bits into a conservatory is a boon for final coatings…

Temporary wash boards fitted.

The cockpit aboard Whimbrel is due to be varnished this coming spring, so, the cockpit seat lids, wash boards and poop locker door have all been brought home and refurbished in advance.

The wooden bar I fitted across the aft uprights of the pushpit to support the lifebelt holder was also removed. Its coatings had degraded and it has suffered water attack. A complete strip and hard sand got rid of all stains.

View aft – note the wooden bar across pushpit: it supports the lifebelt holder.

It took a little while for the bar to dry out properly before it had a final sanding. Meanwhile, touching up several coats to bared areas on the boards was completed.

Wash board and cockpit poop locker door – final coats.

When the boards and hatch door were completed they were returned aboard Whimbrel and the locker seat lids came home – I had a week of ebb morning/evening tides to get done.

In between adding touch-up coats to the cockpit seat tops, the bar was given several coatings of epoxy.

Sanding preparations – the wooden bar (sitting on log) was heat stripped too.

The seat lids were in relatively good condition as I’d done some prep work back in the autumn.

Wood bar being epoxy coated.

The lettering on the lifebelt had degraded too. A simple job to redo…

Repainting the lettering on the lifebelt.
Job done!

Many, if not most boats do not have a name and a port if wished marked on the lifebelt carried aboard. I used to have ‘IYC’ but that lifebelt went into a skip upon leaving that place. I could mark it with ‘Blackwater Marina’ but it is a bit of a mouthful! On Classed vessels marking is a requirement and is something advised for smaller vessels. It is usual for the lifebelt to float free, eventually, thus providing a clue to a vessels loss, however…

As the locker tops were dished up, the bar received its last of three coats of epoxy. It generally took two days to harden sufficiently to abrade and then add another coat. I hung it from a curtain pole above a radiator finally! NB: a nail fitted into a drilled fastening hole nicely, giving a convenient hook…

Epoxy hardening above a radiator!

The locker lids came ‘indoors’ for their final finish coat.

Cockpit seat covers – final coat…

The wooden bar has now had three coats of varnish over the epoxy and tomorrow it will be returned to boat and fitted back.

Roll on some spring warmth to get at the rest of the cockpit, although some preps are already in hand.

It never stops…


Ditch-crawler enjoys Howard Clewes – The Long Memory…

I was alerted to the film, ‘The Long Memory’ by a fellow sailor during last autumn. I quickly discovered that it was based on a book by Howard Clewes, author and film script writer.

Howard Clewes was born in 1912 and died in 1988. His early life was in York – far from the silty Thames. He was a BAFTA award recipient during his career. As far as I can ascertain, The Long Memory was his only book to feature spritsail barges and the R. Thames.

The film was good, however, at the time the hacks tore into the ‘wooden’ characters depicted… The book is a fabulous yarn.

Cover of The Long Memory by Howard Clewes, Reprint Society, 1953.

It is a story of a chap’s release from prison for murder. It was a murder he did not commit. The chap finds a home on a hulk amongst others in a graveyard The back story comes out as the book progresses with the character searching for the two people who’s untruths put him behind bars.

The untruths, wrongful corroborative statements that a deceased person was not who he was. As you will find, the deceased is later found alive and well in Shad Thames running a tug business and a racket besides.

The synopsis of the book is in a link within the link below:


The so-called murderer was heir to a tug business based at Gravesend but he fell in with the daughter of a barge owner (once of a small fleet) who drank all the profits. The owner agrees to transport a bank robber on the run to a ship out in the estuary … and the tale unfolds…

For me, the main story was enthralling. It is a clever tale with the London River’s reaches weaving through it. Anyone whether or not they have sailed this waterway will be carried along on the flowing tides…

The book and film both open with the released prisoner (on licence) taking up residence aboard an abandoned barge (lighter) with a hut on its deck in ‘Morocco Bay’ on the Grain peninsular along the Blyth Sands…

There are evocative views purporting to be in either Egypt of St Mary’s Bay that were filmed in Bedlams Bottom where lighters and a few other barge types and the odd spritty or two were laid up against the sea wall.

I think St Mary’s is the place for a track runs out from a road across the low grazing marsh from High Halstow. It was extended at start of WW2 to a set of buildings housing men protecting a river barrier built here.

Having sailed those delightful waters at the foot of Stangate for most of my life and investigated the wreckage, now containing the remains of the famous racer Veronica, it was fascinating to see how it all was several decades before my own wanderings. Google earth clearly shows these vessel remains.

Sea Reach Chart 1931, corrected to 1942 showing the boom across Blyth Sand.

In the book, towards its conclusion (film differs), the main character is set down on the boom end from a river boat and he walked ashore into danger…

An arial photograph I found on a web site ‘beyondcanvey.wordpress.com’ which has come from archives clearly shows a building of some sort at the outer end at edge of the Blyth. The deep channel floating boom was tended by naval-ised fish-trawler types manned by probably men of the ‘way navy’…

Arial view of boom – from ‘Beyondcanvey.wordpress.com

The web page was interesting for the archive photographs (not referenced) and is worth a look.

Very few of the places are now as described by Clewes and used for filming. The eastern end of Gravesend has changed dramatically, as has Shad Thames and the area immediately upriver of Tower Bridge. The only areas that are still hauntingly wild and lonely are St Mary’s Bay and Bedlams Bottom where filming took place. The remains of wrecks are still there too…

Bedlams Bottom – courtesy of Google Earth.
The inshore row will be instantly recognisable as the film site.
For interest, Veronica is uppermost western vessel with another across her stern end.
The Sirdar is at foot of view near a ‘sandy’ do, on the southern shore.

Copies of the book are available on line, but check your local library as it may well be held in a reserve stock.

I have not tracked down which spritsail barge was used, but it was a yacht-barge, and no, it was not destroyed in the film!

A link to a YouTube film:


A fascinating and enjoyable read which can be backed up with the 1953 B&W film that evocatively captures the book…


Ditch-crawler enjoys Arthur Ransome book…

A bit of a delight was found under our Christmas tree, a present from my dear mate, a book.

The book, Arthur Ransome Master Storyteller, By Roger Wardale, has been around for some while, however, it’s title hadn’t fell my way. Christobel said that she found it while we were away on holiday in Norfolk – I suspect it was at the Museum of The Broads…

The cover of the book.

Of course, like many sailing adults, Ransome’s books have been enjoyed many times. I have read most of the books about Ransome’s books, but not this one.

The book covers the works of Arthur Ransome, more specifically, the twelve about ‘his’ children and their exploits. It was published in 2010 by Great Northern Books and is still available on line.

There have been a number of Ransome inspired books. Christina Hardyment’s Arthur Ransome and Captain Flint’s Trunk looked at the supposed and most likely places the stories were based. Hugh Brogan wrote a biography of Arthur Ransome and also Coots in the North & other Stories, which has sections of unfinished or abandoned yarns. Arthur Ransome also wrote an autobiography too. Taqui Altouayan’s In Allepo Once details a time Arthur and Evginia spent with the Altouayan’s where the family lived for some years.

There was of course, The Racundra First Cruise book by AR himself, which many say cemented ideas for the Swallows & Amazon series. The old seaman who sailed with AR is remembered as Peter Duck…

Don’t expect to find much about Authur Ransome’s own boats – they do get a mention, especially Nancy Blackett (Goblin) as she actually featured in two of the tales. His second cruiser, Lottie Blossom, completed just before WW2 was hardly sailed by Ransome, whilst Peter Duck was built, sailed, sold and promptly repurchased – his boats are told about elsewhere.

Was the book worth a read? Yes.

Do I recommend this volume to anyone who has an interest in Arthur Ransome’s books? Yes, certainly.

So, Ransome fans, go get and enjoy!


Ditch-crawler bids farewell to 2024…

The start of the year was punctuated for us by the failure of our propeller key making it imperative for a lift out. This was our first at The Blackwater Marina.

It all went swimmingly well and the team listened to my ‘foiballs’ about chocking up… Beccs, the manager, kindly gave me a telephone number for a metal fabricator up the road in Latchingdon and I had a new key made (milled) up by the elderly owner that evening, on our way home from the yard. See blog for the story!

Whimbrel ready for relaunching just a week after lift out.

At the time we had not yet completed our first year in the yard, nor have we yet carried out the antifouling and other annual jobs on the slipway yet. These were all completed (early) whilst out end February to early March.

Sailing out.

We have found sailing from our berth and returning simplicity in itself – no traumas or difficulty has been experienced. Only a hard easterly would cause, or likely to cause, any problems.

On many Saturdays in the early part of the year, we walked local to the boat, or just Christobel, while maintenance was carried out – often the second, third or fourth varnish coat etc.

During the autumn especially, we have enjoyed morning sailing with a delicious soup lunch at the bistro bar. The quality of the fare offered here has radically advanced since a change of proprietorship. I am even considering it a venue for the 2025 Finesse rally!

It has been an entertaining year all in all.

All my siblings have enjoyed the boat from the mooring including a cousin and extended family. All have commented on what a delightful place we are now based. For one thing, there is absolutely no bloody ‘club initiated stress’ to cope with!

Crew at ready to slip, sailing off at Brightlingsea.

The year has brought warnings from the authorities on boat safety, especially on the inland waterways where accident, fires and death have occurred. The RNLI has had a rise in rescues inshore caused in the main by paddle boarders and canoeists. Both past times grew during the pandemic exponentially. Large numbers of both are oft seen in Lawling Creek.

Craft leaving Tarbert Harbour for another racing day in Late May.

Yachting (sailing?) seems to have taken a dive around the east coast, although when visiting a cousin in Tarbert, Argyll, during Clyde Tarbert Weekend, the number of craft participating puts the ‘south’ to shame, I thought. I sailed aboard my cousin’s yacht on a dreek day, but boy it was enjoyable. water depth was in excess of 110 metres – unheard of in my locale!

The Olympics took place in France this summer too. The much heralded and grossly over funded Royal Yachting Association’s Team GB did crushingly poorly… It was disastrous. The RYA should get back to what its core membership used to be – cruising sailors and get a grip.

Me helming a bit of GRP in Loch Fyne off Tarbert, Argyll…

My membership was terminated over the Calor Gas bottle saga: the RYA were outstandingly useless. Calor themselves saw the light eventually, announcing purchase of new bottle stock and a continuation of supply of both propane and butane in the ‘small’ cylinder. That was a definite positive outcome for the year.

A brand new gas cylinder…

The numbers of empty moorings – buoys and marina berths – has seemingly continued to rise, with a resultant increase in craft laid up ashore. The laid up fleet is huge.

Active boats seem crewed by ‘older and older’ crews. To many this is worrying, but I believe is symptomatic of the way modern life has evolved. The youngsters of today, on the whole, do not want the hassle of maintenance and the trouble of running – looking after – a vessel. The growth in companies offering boats for short term use – essentially hired – is spreading to UK waters. It is a bit like going to the gym: there is no commitment to the equipment or premises. It is a case of use and go…

Be interesting to see how this develops.

One thing is for certain, many yards cannot cope with much more in the way of laid up craft being parked up and leave space for maintenance of regularly owned craft.

Norfolk boat rescue centre – new build nearing completion..

Whilst on holiday in Norfolk, we visited the Broads Museum where craft are being preserved, and, on another day visited the Norfolk Boat Rescue Centre where craft are being repaired and there was actually a new build nearing completion.

Sadly, a few weeks before the end of the year it was announced that the internationally famous Lowestoft Boat Building Centre is closing. This is a huge blow to the training of new specialists in wood. There are yards specialising in wooden construction and repair, but the numbers of trainees any one yard can support cannot be a substitute: the number of yards themselves is not high.

New gaff being shaped up for the tender, Twitch.

This last autumn I have had to make a new main section to my Genoa whisker pole – made from laminations of spruce. Also, a new gaff for Twitch’e lug sail. Both were jobs well within my capacity.

So, we are moving into 2025. For me it will be a a bit of a year: I reach the young age of seventy in June…

Last sail of 2024 – Skippy feeling happy!

And, we would both like to wish all readers of this blog a very happy 2025, whether sailors or not, be happy and content with life and live it as it should be. Go…


Ditch-crawler dishes up Whimbrel’s cockpit sole boards…

The cockpit sole boards aboard Whimbrel have needed to be stripped back for a couple of seasons. The paint layer thickness was becoming excessive (notoriously tough resistance to sanding!) and in places adherence was breaking down.

As an experiment, I had applied a single coat of a different non-slip paint from Teamac as I was increasingly unimpressed with either Hempel or International products. Quite frankly neither of them gave a respectable non-slip finish, even with added ‘sand’ in the mix.

The 2024 festive tree aloft!

So, after enjoying a sail on the day the festive tree was set aloft and considering ongoing forecasts we transported them all home.

Running east back to Lawling Creek.

It was an excellent pre-Christmas sail, with a kindly breeze allowing us to break away from Lawling Creek and beat up to Heybridge Basin before running back downriver.

Over Christmas the tides are all ‘wrong’ that is they’re early and late. The New Year period brings middle of the day tides … so, just enough time for the job!

The sole boards sitting in the warmth.

In many respects getting the boards home ‘early’ was more than helpful: it took longer to complete the project – I’m not one for shortcuts!

Stripping off with a heat gun.

A heat gun and orbital sander came into their own as paint removal and preparation progressed nicely outside on two windy yet sunny days.

The smaller sections stripped, sanded and primed.

One of the things I have not done is to use a middle under coat between the silver primer/undercoat and non slip for we have found that deck paint does not adhere to coatings such as ‘oneup’ primer undercoat (made by International Paints).

I wonder if others have had similar problems.

I also wonder if the apparent incompatibility is due in part to the different make up of the paints. The aluminium primer/undercoat and non slip use a solvent thinners, whilst ‘oneup’ uses white spirit…

Areas on the two larger area boards had some outer ply layer damage.

Some epoxy and filler repairs were needed to two of the boards as the ply surface had been torn by the heating and scraping off of the paint.

Both were thoroughly stripped bare locally and epoxy coated.

Words aren’t really needed as the pictorial flow tells the story, but not of the time and effort made!

Primer and two coats of gloss was given to undersides.
The worst of the damaged boards sanded and ready for priming.
First coat of non slip paint.

Progress prior to Christmas was on course to allow shipping sole boards back aboard Whimbrel for a sail as soon as tide times allow.

Once the initial preparations were completed, it was a case of essentially a coat each day. The aluminium primer being quick drying allowed two coats on a day, which made life easier…

The paint coatings completed.

In the coatings completed view the course or roughness, if you like, texture of the deck coating can be seen. It is certainly effective when sailing and Whimbrel has some heel on her. With a single test coat previously applied, I did not slip on any subsequent occasion…

Time will tell!


Ditch-crawler wonders if conservancy fees will spread further?

There are many areas where a conservancy fee is ‘normal’ such as the Broads, inland waterways and river areas above the tidal limits such as the Thames and Medway in the south, but this news in the link below of what Peel Ports Clydeport wish to do is a bit of a shocker, or is it?


The area ‘given’ to the Clyde Authority as it was instituted was very large indeed. It encompasses all waters from Kintyre peninsular to the Ayrshire coast, including the yachting centre at Troon. The private port owning company, Peel Ports, own this now and they have come up with a proposal to make a charge on all boaters within their domain.

It is the size of this domain with its far reaching tentacles that is infuriating boaters and others.

The proposed charges are within those levied down in England, on the River Medway in Kent. Circa £80-£100 for pleasure craft, annually. Note furor over the 2025 increases outlined below!

Tarbert Harbour on Loch Fyne, Kintyre.

Something amongst the ‘stink’ of complaint seeped into my consciousness: there are conservancy fees around the United Kingdom.

Many coastal and river harbours are either privately owned, run by trusts or are instituted authorities. Some moorings are charged for, some not and anchoring is free. Fees are paid for marina style berthing and within that charge is generally an amount that is ‘a licenced fee’ which goes to whoever.

Down on the Thames estuary area of the eastern coast of England there are river fees in some areas, not however on the lower Thames waters below tidal limits.

On the rivers, Blackwater, Colne, Stour, Orwell, Deben and Alde, there is no conservancy fee or similar.

Brightlingsea charges for moorings within their harbour, but nowhere else within their remit up to Colchester.

The River Medway as a ‘harbour’ is owned by Peel Ports and an annual licence fee is levied on privately owned craft moored within their jurisdiction.

See: Medway Swale Boating Association web site.

Peelports Medway conservancy licences are increasing by a whopping 15% as stated by association webmaster’s post :

‘Peel Ports have acknowledged the need to make these changes and have today announced that dates that the conservancy fee covers will be changed to align with the typical boating season, i.e. 1st April to 31st March.  

The letter from the Richard Goffin, Port Director, is shown below along with the new schedule of fees. The conservancy charge from 1st April 2023 will be £105.23 and the fee for yacht club moorings from 1st January will be £125.18. This is an increase of 14.2% (RPI to October) and 15% respectively.’


Sailing into the River Medway past RoRo facility.

On the upper River Medway above Allington Lock the river is operated by the Medway Conservancy and private leisure craft are charged.

See: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/river-medway-registration-charges/medway-navigation-boat-registration-and-other-charges-1-april-2024-to-31-march-2025

Expanding on what previously stated, although there is currently no conservancy fee for the Lower Thames, there was a charge made to the yacht club on Canvey Island I once belonged to for forty years, for moorings.

The PLA levied a charge of approximately £110 for each mooring laid in the river or on the foreshore. Aligning with that club with drying moorings are levied also. The club I once belonged was charged a hefty amount for the club’s moorings and it equated to a similar amount per vessel.

The upper Thames beyond the Port of London Authority limit to Teddington Lock and beyond is run by an authority and a fee is levied.

See: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/river-thames-boat-registration-charges/river-thames-boat-registration-and-other-charges-1-january-2025-to-31-december-2025

Both these southern conservancies (although the Thames runs from the mid-west) charge by a vessel’s waterplane area – as does the Broads Authority, I believe.

This is all very interesting and it is something not often talked about: people just pay, mutter into a foaming pint or a fizzing gin, grin and bear it…

Whimbrel in Long Reach, R. Thames, outbound, August 2024.

Around the Thames estuary there is one river that does charge and that is on the River Crouch which is run by the Crouch Harbour Authority.


Visitors to the Crouch Harbour Authority area do face charges, although I myself have never been charged…

See here: ‘ Visiting Vessels (Only applies to vessels coming in from seaward)
All visiting leisure vessels are entitled to one visit in any Dues year of up to 14 consecutive days free of charge before being charged for Harbour Dues.  If you are remaining in the river for longer than 14 consecutive days and do not intend to remain permanently, Short Visit Dues will apply.  Please see charges below.’

Short Visit Dues
Vessel Length
8.00 – 15.502.44 – 4.73£9.00
15.51 – 21.504.74 – 6.55£11.25
21.51 – 26.506.56 – 8.07£14.00
26.51 – 32.508.08 – 9.90£17.45
32.51 +9.91 +£21.95

These are the 2025 rates recently published.

Don’t stay around for more than two weeks…

So, for the Rivers, Blackwater, Colne, Stour, Orwell, Ore and Alde, this is something we currently are not saddled with, but for how long?

Whimbrel sailing past Wivenhoe, September 2024.

Back to the beginning of this post: googling the various rivers, it was clear that the issue is hot for the key words ‘Conservancy and fees’ brings up Clyde Ports…

Clearly, there can be no real gripe about being levied a charge within an area where efficient buoyage is laid and maintained by an authority. The entrance to the wider River Blackwater has been well buoyed by the West Mersea group of clubs and businesses – those yellow buoys with a black flags, local sailors know so well.

I have always assumed that Maldon District Council pays for the upkeep of buoyage in the upper reaches of the River Blackwater, from Thirslet Spit inbound. Whether or not this is spread over mooring charges, or licences, I do not know.

I will try to find out…

30 Jan 25.

Well, from owner of Blackwater Marina, the PLA pays for upkeep of buoyage to Colne Bar and Bench Head, the navigation marks to Maldon are maintained by Blackwater Conservancy (Maldon District Authority in effect). I got the impression that this could change…


Ditch-crawler remembers an overboard incident…

Reading the article below reminded me of a ‘man overboard’ incident from Whimbrel with my good mate, Christobel, being the victim. We were berthing in Limehouse Marina during Easter week, April 2017.

We had gone up for two reasons – to see a Passion Play at Trafalgar Square and see the tall ships which congregated off Greenwich for start of race to Canada.

The Christian Raddich passing as we tacked upriver nearing the barrier.

Our assigned berth was in a far corner used at the time for visitors. A large yacht meant a tight turn to berth with our bow pointing out as it were.

Christobel got herself ready, however, I failed to spot that she was standing forward of the shrouds. The turn was a cinch … as we glided towards the pontoon, I bent to give a thrust astern to stop the boat…

As I looked up Christobel made to step onto pontoon and promptly ‘disappeared’ from sight. There was a great sploosh as she plunged into the freezing water then a loud hiss as her life jacket exploded into life.

I leapt ashore with a stern line taking it round a cleat and back to boat – the guard rail I seem to remember. Boat was secured.

Next, to rescue Christobel!

A group of adults with a few young ones saw it all happen. A lady called from the quayside, ‘Do you want a coffee…’

I called back, ‘Got that aboard … I need to get her out…’ None of the chaps offered to help me.

I got Christobel to hold onto jetty while I looked for a ladder. There was one, but the big boat ahead and a ‘Dutchman’ were in the way!

I had to drag Christobel up little by little until her chest was on pontoon, allowing water to drain. Once water drained from her upper clothing layers, I managed to complete the job.

Her life jacket made it difficult to pull her over the pontoon edge!

The inflated life jacket after removal.

At that point our watchers sauntered off.

I gathered a bag of clothing and wash tackle and Christobel hot footed to the shower unit…

The article makes interesting reading – a tragedy and a major point regarding pontoon ladders.

Marina safety: Teacher’s drowning prompts ladder design warning

Whimbrel in Limehouse Basin, April 2017.

I have noticed that ladders are often difficult to reach due to berthing arrangements. Most though seem to be logically placed at the head of berths along the main walkways.

I haven’t (yet) had to use one in the emergency situation, nor do I really know how deep they go below the surface.

The transom ladder fitted to Whimbrel has two submerged steps which makes getting out far easier.

The report homed in on the ‘depth below’ aspect and has recommended a review by Marina operators…

Sailing homebound through a busy Greenwich Reach.

Food for thought, for sure.


Ditch-crawler finds a Norfolk gem, conserving maritime heritage…

Whilst on holiday with the Mate based in a cottage in Holt, N. Norfolk recently we came across by complete accident a lovely museum dealing with boats of the Norfolk coast.

The museum, a working boatyard as well, is based at the former artillery training ground at Stiffkey. The site has all sorts within its bounds as well as caravan and holiday parks.

Stiffkey Camp, as was, courtesy of museum.

See: http://www.rescuewoodenboats.com/

The old working boats of the coast are unique to the local coast with its open beaches to the south on the curve from Sherringham to Great Yarmouth/Lowestoft and the shallow creeks that riddle the saltings on the more northern facing coast, running round to Kings Lynn.

The museum has a bent for lifeboats but has film footage of craftsmen (people) at work, artefacts and a spritsail barge model even, but it was the boat shed that lit my eyes. I think we got invited to view it as we (mate on the whole) got talking to staff about our own clinker sloop…

The boatyard.

It was a howler dank sort of day, not really conducive to pottering, but we are hardy folk!

Inside the shed we met the resident boat builder and restorer, David Hewitt. He was actually star of one of the film clips in the main display shed. Chatting, I mentioned we owned a Finesse 24. His eyebrows raised as he said, fine boats … pity about the nailed decks! Indeed…

He had worked on two 24s locally and knew of a F21 along the coast which he had also done work on.

An old beach boat – inside view.

The boat builder told us a little about an old craft in the shed – in for some conservation as she was not on the radar for much else unless funding could be magicked up…

I was a little surprised at a lack of gunnel timbers at the top of the hull planking, but that was the way she was built.

Old beach boat.

A new vessel along similar lines was under construction with her hull all planked up ready for finishing.

A modern reincarnation under construction.

Note the very deep sheerstrake plank also the wide gunnel,almost like a very narrow side deck.

Stern view with propeller aperture – very reminiscent of a wooden ships’ lifeboat.

Her propeller shaft was in and her engine beds were being set up ready to set up a small diesel engine.

Internal and external painting was not far off.

Internal view.
Boat under repair.

Within the shed too were a couple of boats receiving repair attention. One, seen above, had a large number of new ribs being fitted.

Boats under the museum’s umbrella in Well’s Harbour.

Further along the coast in Wells Harbour is a pontoon where a number of craft associated with the Boat Rescue Project are berthed. During summer months excursion outings can be booked…

Explore the web site and its sister site of the Coastal Exploration Company – fascinating stuff.

Boat type information board by pontoon in Well’s Harbour.

If you happen along that coastline in your travels, the museum and workshops are a worthwhile stop point. There is a cafe to quench thirst and post breakfast pangs too!